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cyberspace junkyard

Tuesday, September 30, 2003


I've lost my voice! Have been whispering for the past 2 days. It's a bizarre thing for someone who is < ahem > usually rather, shall we say, eloquent. At least being in Adelaide and having no voice is like an enforced little holiday for my brain and my throat. I'll be raring to go when I get back to Sydney and have all those weddings and saltlight gigs to sing at!

Just had to rave though... my hotel room is gorgeous! I mean, any room is lovely, being a 5 star hotel and all, but this time around, I get a private terrace looking out onto the beach, a huge living area (with couch, small dining table, writing table, coffee table etc) king size bed, kitchenette, and the usual amenities. Swish indeed.

I brought my bible and diary with me, and I'm going to try to keep going on my read through the Old Testament. And I'm kickstarting my prayer diary, so you can pray that I will pray!

Friday, September 26, 2003

Do you like my impersonation of a screaming teenager?

This afternoon I joined legions of teenybopper fans as they jumped up and down and squealed while Kelly Clarkson (yes - American Idol Kelly Clarkson!!! aaaaiiiiiih! kelly kelly kelly! ok, I'm sure it's out of my system now) sang her little heart out and signed posters and CDs. I dutifully waited in line, clapped politely after the songs (though I must confess to some toe-tapping during Miss Independent) and smiled while she signed my CD cover. I even managed to convince a lovely couple behind me to get a second copy signed (it was only one thing per person, and they had one CD between them).

Of course, this means that I now have to work back late to make up the hours cos I'm going to Adelaide next week and have a ton of stuff to do. The joys of being the youngest in the office, having understanding managers who can only reminisce about being in their twenties, and working flexi-hours!

Have a great weekend y'all!

Thursday, September 25, 2003

The music scene
My bro is trying to convince me to go to HMV tomorrow and see Kelly Clarkson (American Idol 1). He says it's for my benefit. Uh-huh! I admit that I can get a leeeetle obsessed about things sometimes, but really!

My new DVD player arrived last week. With 3 free DVDs. Yeah! My brother's new computer/study table arrived this morning too. Oh, and just to reiterate.... I'm all for tradesmen putting things together for you. Hours of back breaking work putting together furniture that comes flat packaged in exchange for around $50. Sign me up. Quickly.

Oh, and Kazzart beat me to it! Come to the This Way Up album launch! It should be an awesome night! Tickets are pretty cheap and you can buy them online at the website. I haven't all-out performed in a while, so am quite nervously and excitedly looking forward to it! And there's nothing better to sing about than the gospel and being a Christian!

Friday, September 19, 2003

Life's rollercoaster
Deserted island. Sun. Hammock. Good book. Horses. Me.

I need a break from everything. Mind you, I'm not ungrateful that life's deluge is sweeping me along and things are going swimmingly, but I just need a bit of time to pack it all in a box, disappear and return with none the wiser. It's not even like I've unlearnt how to say "no" either. In fact, I've gotten rather good at it - a revelation for an ABC Christian female.

In the past week, I've managed to do several things I would normally not do!

1. reformat and rebuild my computer
2. master an album
3. bawl my eyes out
4. work 1.5 days in a 5 day job
5. sleep more than 6 hours a night
6. watch Neighbours
7. go on a Christian women's conference to Katoomba


Friday, September 12, 2003

This email got forwarded to me today. I'm a bit of a linguist, so I found it rather funny!

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and
you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe. ceehiro

I was also thinking about more wordy things today. On my way home from a scrummy lunch today, this bizarre thought popped into my head...
If I'm frustrated, I feel frustration.
If I'm angry, I feel anger.
If I'm fuming, do I feel fume? fumation? fumer?


Also, can someone explain to me where the term "state of the art" comes from?

Thursday, September 11, 2003

I'm ba-aaaack
Mate, there's nothing like going cold turkey to cure you of an addiction!

I'm talking about blogging, of course (what did you think I meant?) Due to lovely bloggerish issues with bad logins and server upgrades, I was unable to blog for over a week. Aaaah!! The horror!! The unspeakable despair!! The torturous agony... ok, ok, sorry, I'm stuffing Miss Drama Queen back into her box now.

Anyways, I'm back and it's just how I remembered it. Like slipping on a pair of comfy slippers or a familiar lipstick. No more late nights sweating about when I can next login. No more trying to blog first thing in the morning when I get to work, before I even check email or say hi to my team.

I don't have a problem. Really.

Monday, September 01, 2003

Monday Exhausted Mumbles
Somebody pinch me and remind me that too much sleep is bad for my system! I can't win either way it seems. Exhausted after sleeping 8 hours a night for 4 nights straight, and now exhausted after only sleeping 3 hours last night. I think I should stick to my usual quota of 6 hours! I think my body is currently physically unaccustomed to more (or less!) than that, and is rebelling shockingly. Ugh.

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