cyberspace junkyard
Saturday, February 21, 2004
I like compartments. They're useful for storage, keep things out of the way, help you find things when you need them most. I like to compartmentalise my life too. Is that even a word? I like to keep parts of my life separate from each other and get uncomfortable with blurred lines - between work and play, between groups of friends, between my space, my time and others' space and time.
I think I've gotten more and more anal as I've gotten older. More emotional too. So it was suprising that when I did a couple of personality tests from Kazzart's blog, I still ended up an INTJ. Some things never change.
Saturday, February 14, 2004
Blogger, blogger, wherefore art though, blogger
Well, blogger is still here, I guess, but judging by the date of my last post, I went AWOL. I've officially been employed in fulltime Christian ministry now for 5 days, 4 of which I worked crazy hours (totalling 47) and 1 of which was a day off. Oh, and loving every minute of it, apart from the daily 2 minute emotional heart attack of realising where I am and what I've left behind (ie my old church, which I'd been at for 24 years, ie since I was a toddler!) and terribly missing people.
I have so little and so much to say, which unfortunately is going to result in not saying anything at all, what with it being 3am in the morning and all!
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
Last days
2 more days left at work. 2 more days as a city-commuter. 2 more days of crunching numbers and project risks and business benefits and yawn-inducing meetings (it's the lighting, I tell you!). Am I sad? Maybe a little, when I packed up my desk. But overall, I cannot wait to get out of here and start the rest of my life.
Have been doing a random read through the OT, and got up to Psalms a couple of days ago, but I'm going to switch gears and start on a book SPOM lent me: D.A. Carson's For the love of God as a daily devotional.
For my regular readers who are also brothers or sisters in Christ - what are you guys doing for your devotions at the moment?
recent posts
Take you driving in my car, car...
Weekend Shenanigans
As it is in heaven
The Ice Woman cometh
Grand hotels
Sun, surf and sand
Wash, Cut and Blowdry
real life buddies I read
[Sam&Steph] [Mushiejc] [Dreamz] [Hongus] [Ratsie in Japan]
online buddies I read
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