cyberspace junkyard
Saturday, March 27, 2004
Personal Goal
Given that I spend 75% of my spare time watching DVDs, I've decided this year to try to watch every film on Rotten Tomatoes'ROTTEN TOMATOES: Top Movies: Best of Rotten Tomatoes list. Kinda like reading the Top 100 of European Literature. Though maybe not quite so cultured.
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Ice Age
What to do when it's 11pm at night and you can't sleep? Watch a DVD, of course! I kinda chose this one reluctantly because I thought it would be an animation classic wannabe but (a) it was free, so I might as well watch it and (b) I felt like something fluffy.
It was so funny (that "make the kids laugh cos it's silly but make the adults chortle cos of the grown-up overtones" kind of humour) and tugs at the heartstrings too.... I bawled for the last 15 minutes or so of the movie. So sweeeeet.
Friday, March 19, 2004
Best things in life are free
Take God's grace, for example. Or the five DVDs I received in the mail yesterday. Nice!
Not a bad selection (can't complain - they were free!) consisting of Shallow Hal, Ice Age, Unfaithful, Someone like you and XMen. My DVD shelf is full to overflowing and I'm really going to have to do something about my little penchant for unexpectedly coming home with a new one. Yup. Absolutely will do something about that one of these days.
I was driving to work last night (don't ask) and getting frustrated because I thought my air conditioning had inexplicably decided to play hookey and was just blowing warm air at me. I wondered what I had done with my car over the past 12 hours since I had last driven it, only to realise, 15 minutes later while cruising Silverwater Rd, that I hadn't switched on the "air con" button. Duh. *girly bimbo headshake*
On another note... men. Ugh. Confused I am. I am yet again reminded how little I know about this species.... wooops, I mean gender. I suppose one day I will figure it out. Or maybe not.
Monday, March 15, 2004
Friday, March 05, 2004
One week more
Another week the same ole destiny
This never ending road at Castle Hill
The ones who seem to know my name
Keep asking how I'm settling in
Tomorrow is my day off and I'll really stop and think
One week more!
Time has just flown by. It's been 4 weeks now at my new job... amazing. This week was better than my 3rd, not as good as my 2nd and heaps better than my first. So there you go. Was expecting to be missing my old church and work more (okay, maybe just my old church) but I guess it's been good for me that I haven't had the chance to yet, on the whole!
Hmmm.... sat here for at least 30 seconds trying to come up with a segue to my next point without a modicum of success. Anyway, I don't know why, but I'm resisting seeing the Lion King. Everyone keeps raving, yada, yada, yada. I don't know what it is. I'm just not interested! Meh.
recent posts
Take you driving in my car, car...
Weekend Shenanigans
As it is in heaven
The Ice Woman cometh
Grand hotels
Sun, surf and sand
Wash, Cut and Blowdry
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[Sam&Steph] [Mushiejc] [Dreamz] [Hongus] [Ratsie in Japan]
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