cyberspace junkyard
Friday, April 23, 2004
As soon as I got Mariah Carey out of my head, I realised I sooooooo want to see this movie starring Jet Li, Maggie Cheung, Tony Leung, Zhang Ziyi among others. There's something about Chinese choreographed action dramas that I drool over. Can't wait til June 24!
Saturday, April 10, 2004
Music Videos
Apart from the apparent joys of Yahoo's music video website, I'm discovering that I am a big fan of funk rock. Think Maroon 5 (fave band of the moment) and Jason Mraz. Check out both the full and acoustic versions of The Remedy. Nice!
Sunday, April 04, 2004
Man, I sooo need to get fit. Have gotten so lax recently! No gym sessions, dance classes, yoga or pilates. Must make use of my brother's boxing gloves and focus pads and also get back into my daily routine of light weights and stretches. I'm aching already just thinking about it. Gotta beat these upcoming winter blues!
recent posts
Take you driving in my car, car...
Weekend Shenanigans
As it is in heaven
The Ice Woman cometh
Grand hotels
Sun, surf and sand
Wash, Cut and Blowdry
real life buddies I read
[Sam&Steph] [Mushiejc] [Dreamz] [Hongus] [Ratsie in Japan]
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