cyberspace junkyard
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Vron's a happy camper. After most of the Australian Idol semi-finalists had been bringing the meh, I bounced off the couch after a performance tonight and voted for only the second time this season. Anthony Callea (formerly known as Mr Plastic) was awesome. Great voice (bu-bye boy band, hello sing your guts out pop rock), great song ("The Reason" by Hoobastank), great use of facial powder (he used to be an extreme shine offender) - got my vote!
Thursday, August 26, 2004
No promotions please
I can't wait to go back to being a pleb (well, if you can call being the Creative Arts Director a pleb) when my manager gets back from holidays next week. I took over some of his responsibilities while he was away and it has put me off for life. I've perfected my nervous-giggle-plus-subtle-subject-change when he jokes about retiring so that I can have his job and my trainee can have my job. A definite case of "thanks, but no thanks"!
Return of the Austen
I'm getting my Pride & Prejudice DVDs back tomorrow! *Vron does the dance of joy*
Friday, August 20, 2004
Just spent the afternoon writing a song with a school friend I hadn't seen in 7 years for another school friend's wedding. It is the soppiest, cheesiest love song you will EVER hear, and we both love it! It's crazy! We're going to have a blast performing together at the wedding, along with another old friend. Forget the return of INXS, the Beatle, Bee Gees or ABBA - the Primary Pink Panthers are here to stay!
I'm in the wrong profession
According to this (thanks Chromakey!), I should be a Goal Scoring Superstar Hero. Of course, that is a very real option, I am perpetually ruing the day I gave up that illustrious dream.
Friday, August 13, 2004
By 9pm Sunday, I will have clocked up 87 hours working 8 days straight. Need. Sleep. Now. Bed. Good.
Monday, August 02, 2004
Oz Idol!
Finally the season is underway proper and we have our final 30. How much do I love Chanel Cole? It's not really cos she's vocally spectacular (though of course she can sing) nor is it the bundles of charisma and star quality (which the judges obviously believe she has). The thing that won me over to her was in her group performance, and one of her groupmates forgot the lyrics, so she quietly sang them (weaving the lyrics in and out of backing vocals) to help her friend along. How gorgeous. I don't care if she doesn't win, but I'm sure she'll be one to watch for years to come. And I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out a certain Ben Eaton falls for her. Got no idea what I'm talking about? Are you living under a rock? Go check out the Top 30!
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