cyberspace junkyard
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
The Notebook
If you're a fan of weepy chick flicks, you will love The Notebook. Okay, okay, so it's not the kind of movie that will get rave critics' reviews or win Oscars but I adored it. Why? I literally spent the last 30 minutes of the movie bawling my eyes out, in between sniffling loudly and gulping for breath. I love a good cry over someone else's life. So much neater that way than crying over your own.
I am such a sap.
I also realised I have purchased 17 DVDs in the past 6 weeks. Oh dear.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
The Kings did it! 3 NBL Championships in a row! First ever in history! Woo!
The game tonight was awesome - we had great seats, just a few rows above the Kings bench. The section we were in had all the die-hard fans in it, which is really a show in itself. Heh! I'm always going to go for section 16 next time, all three times I've sat there, it's been great. A girl sitting in front of my had an amazing whistle (the one where you stick your fingers in your mouth). Now where can I get me someone to teach me that!!!
Ooh - plus we caught a ping pong ball dropped from the Virgin Blue mini-blimp. We so weren't paying attention to what the MC was saying til people started climbing over their seats trying to get to the ball, which had pretty much fallen in my mum's lap. Turns out it was only for free tix to a special preview session of some upcoming basketball movie, but just funny the way it happened, and we got to go courtside to pick up the prize.
Ah well, another season over for another year. Oh, and an interesting point - the captain, and Play-offs MVP Jason Smith is a Christian. I'm surprised and excited that they wrote about it on the Kings website. Lookie here
Saturday, March 12, 2005
This is our home
That's what the MC at the Kings game tonight kept announcing at regular 5 minute intervals throughout the night. I think he was trying to be inspirational?
Anyway! Great game - so touch and go there in the 2nd quarter when the Hawks inched ahead at the last minute. But WOO for the Kings demolishing them in the 3rd and 4th quarters. Bring on game 2!
One little complaint though - Sydney siders are way too cool for their own good. While my bro and I screamed ourselves hoarse, it was only in the last third that the general crowd deemed it cool enough to cheer, and only cos we started really pulling ahead and also hit some slam dunks. What is with our city-spirit? Oh well, at least we got into it by the end.
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Common Courtesy
Grrr. I didn't realise how frustrated I get at people who don't give the obligatory thank you wave when you let their car in front of yours. In the past 3 days, I have personally given 7 thank you waves, and received 0 from 11. That is NOT a happy statistic.
My life is a Seinfeld episode.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Defense! *clap clap clap* Defense!
For some who is *ahem* rather anal retentive, I seem to have a disturbing propensity for spontaneity. I have a history of making quick, sharp decisions - both life changing and trivial. Meh, I'll analyse me some other time.
Anyways, the short story is I took my family to the basketball on Tues night. Sydney Kings semi-final 1 against Brisbane at the Ent Centre. I'm proud to say I'm a die-hard Kings fan since the era when Damian Keogh was captain (huge crush!) and they lost everything in sight.
It was a true bonding moment. We all love watching sport live and combined with my love of buying things over the Internet, Ticketek and TicketMaster are our new best friends. Bonus was that Chingy, Ja-rule and a number of other US R&B stars were there, promoting the Roc-tha-bloc tour. We even got a song at half time. As you might guess, my 17 y.o. bro was ecstatic! Piccies for you... (Sorry so small. Camera phone. Enuf said)
Kings warming up

Chingy performing!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Walk on by
I love this site! Inspires me to get out there and walk the walk myself, despite the fact that I hate the outdoors as a general rule. Is it bad to be non-plussed by Aussie nature? I mean, a tree's a tree, right? =)
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Take you driving in my car, car...
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