cyberspace junkyard
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Don't you know who I am?
It's the 2005 edition of the "get to know you" questionnaire again making the email rounds. I'll find some time to answer tomorrow but in the meantime... your turn!
Edited 27/4/05: Lunch break at 2:45pm. Ugh
1. What time did you get up this morning? 7am
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? The Interpreter
4. What is your favorite TV show? At the moment? The Apprentice. Of all time? Las Vegas, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Popular
5. What did you have for breakfast? Toast and cheese
6. What is your middle name? I didn't get give one :)
7. What is your favorite cuisine? Italian or Japanese
8. What foods do you dislike? Ginger, celery, lemongrass, coriander. Does that eliminate Thai food?
9. What is your favorite chip flavor? Chicken, without a doubt
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Listening to a playlist of fave singles - Usher: Caught Up, Missy Higgins: The Special Two, Destiny's Child: Lose my breath, Ben Folds: The Luckiest, Will Smith: Switch
11. What type of car do you drive? Honda Integra Luxury
12. Favorite sandwich? Rare roast beef, tomato and avocado on rye
13. What characteristic do you despise? Whingeing, Indifference
14. Favorite item of clothing? My new cream winter coat and loooong brown/beige scarf
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? New York
16. What color is your bathroom? Sandy beige and white
17. Favorite brand of clothing? Ojay and Basque
18. Where would you retire to? Summer in Europe, Winter in New York
19. Favorite time of the day? 6pm. I like 6pm
20. What was your most memorable birthday? 21st Masquerade Ball
22. Favorite sport to watch? Figure skating
23. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? n/
24. Person you expect to send it back first? Wait, I'm psychic... Mel, and then CC!
25. What fabric detergent do you use? This is assuming I do the laundry and hence would know. I think we use some giant bulk tub of something. It's blue. Does that help?
26. Coke or Pepsi? Neither
27. Favorite movie? Ever After
28. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night Owl
29. What is your shoe size? 9. I have big feet.
30. Do you have any pets? Nope. I have a bad track record
31. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family & friends? I'll let you know
32. What did you want to be when you were little? Pop star
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? The Interpreter
4. What is your favorite TV show? At the moment? The Apprentice. Of all time? Las Vegas, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Popular
5. What did you have for breakfast? Toast and cheese
6. What is your middle name? I didn't get give one :)
7. What is your favorite cuisine? Italian or Japanese
8. What foods do you dislike? Ginger, celery, lemongrass, coriander. Does that eliminate Thai food?
9. What is your favorite chip flavor? Chicken, without a doubt
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Listening to a playlist of fave singles - Usher: Caught Up, Missy Higgins: The Special Two, Destiny's Child: Lose my breath, Ben Folds: The Luckiest, Will Smith: Switch
11. What type of car do you drive? Honda Integra Luxury
12. Favorite sandwich? Rare roast beef, tomato and avocado on rye
13. What characteristic do you despise? Whingeing, Indifference
14. Favorite item of clothing? My new cream winter coat and loooong brown/beige scarf
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? New York
16. What color is your bathroom? Sandy beige and white
17. Favorite brand of clothing? Ojay and Basque
18. Where would you retire to? Summer in Europe, Winter in New York
19. Favorite time of the day? 6pm. I like 6pm
20. What was your most memorable birthday? 21st Masquerade Ball
22. Favorite sport to watch? Figure skating
23. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? n/
24. Person you expect to send it back first? Wait, I'm psychic... Mel, and then CC!
25. What fabric detergent do you use? This is assuming I do the laundry and hence would know. I think we use some giant bulk tub of something. It's blue. Does that help?
26. Coke or Pepsi? Neither
27. Favorite movie? Ever After
28. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night Owl
29. What is your shoe size? 9. I have big feet.
30. Do you have any pets? Nope. I have a bad track record
31. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family & friends? I'll let you know
32. What did you want to be when you were little? Pop star
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Are you guys still using IE? Why oh why oh why?
As a long time convert to Mozilla Forefox, let me make it easy for you to cross over to the other side...
Download the browser!
Make it run faster and better!
Make it look pwetty!
Whatcha waiting for?
Monday, April 18, 2005
The Interpreter
Ooh, good movie!
Brownie points:
- Didn't notice the 2.5 hour length
- Plot simple enough to follow, thrilling enough to keep you on the edge of your seat but convoluted enough to pat yourself on the back when you figure it out
- Good acting! Nicole Kidman was a pretty sympathetic character given that I don't normally warm to her acting. Sean Penn was good as usual.
- Great accents!
- Not too much gore
Couldn't actually think of anything negative. So there you go!
Monday, April 11, 2005
Something Special
Church tonight was something special. Don't get me wrong - I love Sundays, but tonight - whoa. I was literally overcome with emotion.
Maybe I should start from the top. Firstly, I was on band, and we'd had a fun, smooth rehearsal. Always a good start. During the service, the songs were gelling well, and the congregation were really getting into it. Things were moving along quickly and then we got to the first "special item". We're in the middle of a series on Revelation and were up to Chapter 4&5 - one of John's amazing descriptions of heaven. Instead of a normal bible reading, one of the drama team was dressed as John (his mum sewed him a really authentic costume as a surprise. Before you ask - he's about 20!) and he walked on stage and started writing a letter, imagining what heaven is like while a voiceover describes his thoughts ie reads from Revelation. It was all pre-recorded and set to backing orchestral music. Definitely a new way of hearing the Bible!
Then, our Young Adults pastor preached and he was (as usual) breathtakingly clear and direct. I love that he preaches with passion AND biblical authority (he's doing his PhD on Revelation). The main message was we were meant to live for so much more than the world offers and that as Christians we create a new kind of norm that points to the future and heaven. AWESOME. Still no tears though!
Right after the sermon was the 2nd special item... One of the dance team presented a solo dance to the song by MercyMe, "I can only imagine". She is a beautiful dancer. It's not about technique or skills but pure heart. You just feel her joy in Christ when she dances. Intercut with the dance were some stills of people expressing their awe of God. Before I knew it, I had tears streaming down my face and I was mouthing the words of the song. Lyrics below.
I guess you had to be there!
I can only imagine
What it will be like
When I walk
By Your side
I can only imagine
What my eyes will see
When Your face
Is before me
I can only imagine
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for You Jesus or in awe of You be still
Will I stand in Your presence or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
When that day comes
And I find myself
Standing in the Son
I can only imagine
When all I will do
Is forever
Forever worship You
I can only imagine
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
High Fashion Trendsetter
Thanks to Kazzart for this!
I don't really know if this fits. What do you reckon? Oh well. Harmless fun!

You're the high fashion trendsetter. You're
confident, independent, outgoing, and love
attention. You might become a star one day. All
the girls like to follow in your foot steps
because you're so cool, fashionable, and don't
care about anything. You make the rules, never
follow. But please be sure not to act bitchy.
That could be bad. But keep the attitude.
That's what makes you, you.
What kind of girl are you? (with pix!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Oh captain, my captain
Further cementing my status as Queen of Sap, I am going to go on record and say I loved the latest inspirational-teacher/coach-rebel-teens-catharsis movie to hit the cinemas... Coach Carter. It's about basketball (tick), has Samuel L.Jackson (double tick), made me cry (triple tick) and best of all challenged me (quadruple tick). Oh, and I had a free double pass (I'm running out of ticks here).
Okay, so you might think it's predictable (well, I predicted most things wrong), formulaic (though why mess with a formula if it works?) or overly long (2 hrs, 16 mins) but really - you gotta just give some things a chance!
Check it out if you can. I think it starts showing soon.
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