cyberspace junkyard
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Look & Feel
I just downloaded the latest Firefox upgrade, and was near distraught to discover my favourite theme ('Brushed' by Elvo) hadn't been updated to work with 1.5
Though I eventually soothed my frayed nerves by searching for it on the author's own webpage, I still managed to spend a few minutes surfing through the Mozilla library of themes in search of something else I'd like. Funny how you always gravitate towards the same look and feel. I guess you can't really explain attraction, whether it be to colours, styles or even people - we like what we like. In terms of decor (in reality or on the web) I prefer clean, fresh, modern looks. No clutter. Bold, sweeping lines. Compact shapes. Brushed or matte metals (not shiny) and simple, dark wood.
I was ruminating (love that word!) the other day and thinking that we can be like big hunks of timber, waiting to be shaped and etched and refined by life's experiences and relationships into our very own sculpture.
Ever wonder if sometimes too much has been shaved off? A particular angle got a little pointy or an edge is now just a bit too sharp? An intricate piece of work happening on one surface got too complex and you just want to sand it all back and start over on that piece? Or, when going for "unique", the whole thing just ends up too weird to fit anywhere or go with anything and you realise you would have been better off turning it into a chair?
Enjoy the last vestiges of 2005, y'all - bring on 2006!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Reality TV Overdose
Non-ratings season in the world of Aussie TV is like discount $2 shops. Tons of crap to wade through to find a few gems.
I thought we'd had our fill of reality TV during ratings season: Survivor, Australian Idol, X Factor, My Restaurant Rules, Dancing with the Stars, Big Brother, The Biggest Loser, Skating on Thin Ice, Celebrity Overhaul, The Amazing Race, The Apprentice, Celebrity Circus, Celebrity < insert noun here >... did I miss any??
To my utter surprise and joy, I was wrong. < /sarcasm>
We now have wonderful new reality to watch to take us away from actual reality. Here is a mere snapshot from Wednesday night's exhilarating viewing:
Shopping for love: Prospective partners ransack house of guy/girl, then buy stuff for them vith a presupplied credit card. Guy/girl gets to keep presents and select a date based on their shopping prowess.
The Bachelor 5: Yes, season 5 (of 7!) The twist? Guy is famous! He plays NFL! All women are commanded to swoon!
Why is it called reality TV anyway? Have any of you been festooned in a humid, mosquito infested deserted island, eating maggoty rice and playing endurance games to pass the time? Gotten paid to travel the world? Worked out for 6 hours a day, 90 days straight?
Signing off, your Reality TV junkie...
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Oaks on Collins
Oh my.
The trip? Meh. Client meetings? Typical. Perth? Ho-hum. Melbourne? Been there, done that.
But I have a new favourite inanimate object (if you can call a hotel that).
Sleek. Contemporary. Gorgeous. No fuss. swooooon
PS. Ego Boost method #512: get chatted up on the plane by a perfect stranger in the seat next to you!
Friday, December 09, 2005
Out with a bang!
2005 is definitely going to end with a bang. I have a crazy few weeks coming up! Love it!
Dec 9 - Work Christmas Party
Dec 10 - teaching singing
Dec 11 - church
Dec 12 - Fly to Perth, work meetings in Perth
Dec 13 - Meetings in Perth, fly to Melbourne
Dec 14 - Meetings in Melbourne, fly home
Dec 17 - teaching singing, ice skating, double booked at night (Christmas carols)
Dec 18 - church
Dec 19 - pack
Dec 20 - move house
Dec 22 - Christmas Eve dress rehearsal
Dec 23 - "starry starry night" Christmas dinner
Dec 24 - 9pm/11pm Christmas Eve services
Dec 25 - visiting cp11 with family for Christmas Day service
Dec 27 - Watching Narnia
Dec 30 - ISBN
Monday, December 05, 2005
Happy Birthday To Me
Sometime yesterday afternoon
Bro: Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you. You smell like a donkey...
Me: Monkey, Jono, monkey... not donkey!
Bro: Does it matter?
Me: Yes
Bro: You smell like a monkey, and you look like one too
Somehow I don't really think I won, huh?
recent posts
Take you driving in my car, car...
Weekend Shenanigans
As it is in heaven
The Ice Woman cometh
Grand hotels
Sun, surf and sand
Wash, Cut and Blowdry
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[Sam&Steph] [Mushiejc] [Dreamz] [Hongus] [Ratsie in Japan]
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