cyberspace junkyard
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
I've been tagged...
... thanks to Kaz.
Four jobs you've had in your life:
1) Music Teacher
2) Florist
3) Business Analyst
4) Project Manager
Four movies you could watch over and over again (not to be confused with favourite movies):
1) Ever After
2) Much Ado About Nothing
3) Singing in the Rain
4) Sense and Sensibility
Four TV shows you love(d) to watch (among many others):
1) House
2) Las Vegas
3) Felicity
4) The Bold and the Beautiful (hehe!)
Four places you've lived:
1) Augusta St, Strathfield, Sydney, Australia
2) Georges Hall, Sydney, Australia
3) Breakfast Point, Sydney, Australia
4) Myee Ave, Strathfield, Sydney, Australia
Four places you've been on vacation to:
1) Austria
2) Los Angeles
3) Hong Kong
4) New Zealand
Four places you would rather be (or where you'll like to visit?):
1) New York
2) Italy (yes, the whole country)
3) Salzburg
4) Paris
Four of your favourite foods:
1) Roast potatoes - crisp on the outside and mealy on the inside
2) Sashimi
3) Spaghetti Arrabiata
4) Lamb Roast
Four websites you visit daily:
Four tagged:
1) Clem
2) Mel
3) Jen
4) Alida
Sunday, January 29, 2006
2c for the tennis
Y'know, I could waffle on for a while about the Australian Open 2006, but I won't. Suffice to say that I am ecstatic that my favourite tennis player, Martina Hingis, won the mixed doubles (not to mention reached the singles quarter finals) with such joy and excitement. You go girl!
Also, seeing the unflappable, solid, supremely talented Roger Federer break down with emotion after receiving the men's winner's trophy from Rod Laver was priceless. You go boy!
It's quite fun in our household when the family takes opposing sides in a sporting match, cos we're all quite vocal and passionate about our sports. The rest of the family were keen on Baghdatis - mostly because they don't like Federer - Mum says he wins too much and they all think he should share it around more. Heh! I wanted Federer to win because despite his obvious talent, he really struggled through this competition and after fighting so hard, I think he deserved to come out on top. I don't like jumping on the bandwagon of whatever is most popular at the time - Federer has earned my respect over the past 7 years and his consistency at a high level. without being overly showy or crowd pleasing is something I suppose I can relate to. (That's also why I'm so happy that Michelle Kwan is headed for her 3rd Olympics, despite the naysayers). Not to say that Baghdatis isn't someone to watch for the future - I just don't think it was his time.
All in all, a satisfying sporting weekend!
Monday, January 23, 2006
Great Ocean Road Trip Jan 9 - Jan 15, 2006
Exploring on foot and on wheels...

Otway, Trees, and all things lovely and green...

The famous Rocks themselves...

And more...

Take it higher now...
As part of my 2006 unintentional journey of self-discovery, it has been made known to me that I have a bit of a thing for ragged voiced, high range male singers with well-placed falsetto. Who woulda thunk? (well, apart from everyone else who actually knew before I realised it myself)
Don't believe me? Here's a list of some of my favourite artists:
Maroon 5
End of Fashion
James Blunt
Marvin Gaye
Steven Curtis Chapman
It makes a nice change from the female power ballad singers I used to be into in the 90s.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
The first few weeks of this year and reading Kaz's blog have made me reflect a little on my personality and how I relate to people. I discovered I was an INTJ about 8 years ago, and it hasn't changed since then. Here's a short description:
Life as an INTJ
(Introvert, Intuitive, Thinker, Judger)
People of this type tend to be: autonomous, aloof, and intellectual; imaginative, innovative, and unique; critical, analytical, and logical; intellectually curious, driven to learn and increase their competence and knowledge; socially cautious and reserved; organized and definitive.
The most important thing to INTJs is their independence and being able to live according to their own standards.
I've been thinking about how much of our personalities and outlook on life are genetic as opposed to environmental. Y'know, the whole nature / nurture argument. I'm of the belief that both have a hand in it and particularly as a Christian, I know that God is refining me in the image of Christ. From a psychological standpoint, the argument swings either way. If it's purely environmental, then how come people raised in starkly different situations are molded to the same "type"... or that they are shaped not just because of what they have experienced, but despite what they have experienced - ie their true self shines out. On the other hand, we are clearly influenced and changed by what we experience in life, how we are treated by other people and what is passed down to us from those around us, despite what our genetic makeup is.
Meh, time to go home. I've finished my History & Philosophy of Science major now - but can't help thinking about this stuff for fun!
A funny thing happened on the way to the airport
As of Jan 19th (Thursday) I will have officially spent more days in 2006 out of Sydney than I have in Sydney. A rather interesting little piece of trivia.
2005 was a pretty stable year for me, but if the first few weeks of 2006 are anything to go by, this year is going to be very topsy turvy... which, on reflection, is sort of what I was hoping for. God sometimes answers prayer in very weird ways!
recent posts
Take you driving in my car, car...
Weekend Shenanigans
As it is in heaven
The Ice Woman cometh
Grand hotels
Sun, surf and sand
Wash, Cut and Blowdry
real life buddies I read
[Sam&Steph] [Mushiejc] [Dreamz] [Hongus] [Ratsie in Japan]
online buddies I read
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