cyberspace junkyard
Monday, April 17, 2006
The wheel of time turns slowly onwards
I just realised today that I've been a card-carrying member of the blogging community for four years now. I read through my first couple of months of posts tonight - realising with equal parts nostalgia and cynicism that I used to be much more philosophical, idealistic and, in a way, vulnerable.
Easter services are OVER. It was a pretty amazing weekend. The sermons were awesome, the creative stuff all came off smoothly and everyone worked soooo hard and served so joyfully. I'm relieved my life will now regain some semblance of normalcy.
On the down side - my body, which held out so well in the last 2 months out of sheer will power (despite new job / new church / crazy busy rehearsal schedule) has self imploded and I'm now sick. Oh well.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Old age
Am I too old to enjoy myself with a hoarde of screaming teenyboppers? I guess I'll find out tomorrow!
The latest in my ever increasingly busy life - loving my new job, I have a pretty great team to look after. Also, just minutes ago had a conversation with one of my team members about Christianity - just in time for Easter as well. He initiated the conversation by asking if I went to church often (I mentioned that I went to church last Sunday). His parents are Mormons but he hasn't been to church for several years. He's still pretty interested in "religion" though. He asked about the Trinity, which I was able to talk about a bit (thanks to Sam for the sermon a few weeks ago!)
I'll invite him along to our Easter Sunday service, see if he comes - or maybe just be thankful to be able to plant a seed in his mind for him to chew over. He seemed keen to talk about Christianity again.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Au Revoir, Mr Trippet
Just found out this morning that an old family friend of ours passed away. Mr Trippet was the sweetest man, a devoted Christian, loved by his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, as well as his many friends.
I remember he helped me out for one of my high school assignments where I had to put together a media presentation on the war. I ended up interviewing him and publishing an article on war veterans and how it impacts their lives. He was really generous with his time and his character came through, even in the written word.
My memories are now tinged with sadness, knowing that he is no longer with us. It brings into sharp focus, as these things always do, our own mortality and what exactly it is we do with the droplet of time that we are on this earth. Still, I'm joyful because he made the most of his time - he lived a full and content life, and I know that my family and I will see him again in heaven.
Until we meet again...
recent posts
Take you driving in my car, car...
Weekend Shenanigans
As it is in heaven
The Ice Woman cometh
Grand hotels
Sun, surf and sand
Wash, Cut and Blowdry
real life buddies I read
[Sam&Steph] [Mushiejc] [Dreamz] [Hongus] [Ratsie in Japan]
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