cyberspace junkyard
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Living up to its name
Yesiree. I'm warning you in advance that this post is going to be full of random nothingness. Proof positive of why the blog is called cyberspace junkyard.
In all honesty though, I haven't seemed to have the time, inclination, or newsworthy life to post anything of substance so you'll just have to content yourselves with tidbits of banality.
- Work is busy but good. Church is busy but good. Life with family and friends is busy but good. Sense a running theme here?
- My favourite tennis player, Martina Hingis, won the Italian Open, her first since her comeback late last year. It was a Tier 1 tournament as well (just won level below the grand slams). Woo! Happy dance!
- Michelle Kwan is touring with Champions On Ice but still isn't doing any jumps yet. She inspires me to resume figure skating (I've been clearing my schedule trying to find some free time in upcoming months) but also saddens me cos I don't want her career to be over yet.
- I need a holiday.
- And new boots.
- And a reminder not to chuck out or giveaway all my old clothes cos I might need them when I next paint a house.
- My bro turns 19 tomorrow!
- My best friend from my early twenties got engaged!
- I had my first cappucino a couple of weeks ago. Apparently it was a really good coffee. I couldn't tell, through lack of experience and/or coffee sensitive taste buds.
- I really need to start obsessing about a new healthy snack, before I start actually liking chocolate.
Hmmm... whatever.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Have a good weekend!
I am so glad it's Friday. This has been one looooong week. Mind you, not all bad, just long.
On the plus side: it's the weekend, I celebrated a friend's birthday, bought some new glittens to replace the ones I lost in Melbourne last winter, had a haircut, no major disasters at work, went to a nice team managers' lunch today at The Malaya and won some free tix to see the Swannies play tomorrow night.
On the downside, I can't go to the see the Swannies play tomorrow night cos I have a prior engagement.
Gosh darn it.
Monday, May 08, 2006
To sleep, perchance to dream...
I wonder why some people have more trouble getting to sleep, over even staying asleep, than others? Why do some jolt awake at every foreign sound, texture or light? Why do some lie there for hours, counting sheep, performing relaxation exercises or picturing big white screens? Why do others "sleep like a log", anywhere, anytime?
Me? I typify the category of falling asleep the second my head touches the pillow. I usually have no conscious recollection of either (a) taking off my glasses or (b) turning off my lamp. Sometimes I wake up to find that I've actually neglected to do either of those things, which would account for the weird imprint on the side of my head and thinking it was morning already when the sun hasn't even come up yet.
Still, I have been experiencing weird situations in recent weeks, where I've woken up several times in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. I've also been having vivid dreams - so much so that it's been affecting my memory of reality and fantasy to the point that I'm confused about certain facts. Okay, maybe I'm not confused about me being a secret superspy agent (though that was a great dream!), but other, more tangible things like emails I sent people, conversations I had with my family or even timing of future events.
It's strange. Kinda fun in a totally warped sense, but strange nonetheless.
Monday, May 01, 2006
A pinch and a punch...
... for the first day of the month.
I'm excited that it's already May, but I'm a bit bummed cos we haven't really had a proper autumn yet. Y'know, those gorgeous afternoons with the sunlight filtering through the trees with their dappled palette of orange, brown and red leaves while your boots crunch underfoot. It's either been too hot (summer is stubborn this year) or getting wintry (need to buy new gloves). Autumn's my favourite season of the year, but I've been let down this year.
recent posts
Take you driving in my car, car...
Weekend Shenanigans
As it is in heaven
The Ice Woman cometh
Grand hotels
Sun, surf and sand
Wash, Cut and Blowdry
real life buddies I read
[Sam&Steph] [Mushiejc] [Dreamz] [Hongus] [Ratsie in Japan]
online buddies I read
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