cyberspace junkyard
Thursday, August 31, 2006
No time to read blogs, comment on blogs, or write blogs. Pulled another 13 hour day today. After weeks of this, my body has acclimatised now - I no longer feel tired or worn out. It's quite bizarre, really. Kinda fun though - I've been catching up on TV series on DVD and youtube to wind down in the evening. Let's see, what have I been watching?
Scrubs Season 2 and 3
Press Gang
So you think you can dance Season 2
Rockstar: Supernova
Las Vegas Season 2
Whose line is it anyway
Oh, and I got laughed at for saying "my bad" today at work. At least I'm consistent in my personal and professional life.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Yeah, I'm still hopelessly addicted to youtube. Darn it!
Anyway, it's clips like this that make me wish I'd become a full time musician. I love acoustic sets, they just get to me. And while I don't profess to be the greatest country music lover, I did grow up on it (dad was an uber-fan). And hey, Carrie won American Idol (season 4) and we all know how much I love me my Idol. Lastly, props to her for not watering down her Christian beliefs!
Below is my favourite performance of my favourite song of my favourite American Idol. Acoustic, heartfelt, gorgeous. Love that she wrote this song when she was 16.
PS - Check out KT Tunstall... she's awesome live - a true one woman band (search for Black Horse and a Cherry Tree). Though, my favourite song of hers is actually "Suddenly I See".
recent posts
Take you driving in my car, car...
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real life buddies I read
[Sam&Steph] [Mushiejc] [Dreamz] [Hongus] [Ratsie in Japan]
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