cyberspace junkyard
Tuesday, April 16, 2002
Pasta with your Pastor
Monday night was certainly... interesting to say the least. The pastor of my church invited my family to dine with them. His wife cooked up a storm - no pasta, but prawns, fish, chicken, vegies and other signature Singaporean food. All in all, it was a rather pleasant evening, but I am relieved that it is over.
Well, I suppose I'm still affected a little by what happened on June 23rd, 2001. Cyberspace Junkyard didn't exist then so you won't have any background reading unless I spend a couple of days typing it all up. The short story is my heart got broken. The slightly longer story is that when it happened, a bunch of friends, family and my pastor jumped into the fray, so talking about it with anyone who knows about it is still twinge-inducing.
Anyway, the heart recovered, I recovered, we all recover some day, right? You can never put a vase back together the same way after it's been shattered, but it'll still hold water if you use the right glue.
Some lyrics to ponder. Both of these excerpts are songs from the concept album of the Scarlet Pimpernel. Soppy, trite and unnecessary, I know, but what the hey, it's the Tuesday Blues. I used to dwell on this kind of thinking a lot, but it only gets to me occasionally now. Besides, I have a much greater hope for my life - and that is my hope in Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour. As Eponine sings in Les Miserables. "He was never mine to lose | Why regret what could not be | These are words he'll never say | Not to me, not to me, not for me "
You were once that someone who I followed like a star
Then suddenly, you changed
And now I don't know who you are
Or could it be
That I never really knew you from the start?
Did I create a dream?
Was he a fantasy?
Even a memory is paradise for all the fools like me.
Now remembering is all that I can do
Because I miss him so
When I look at you
Each moment is a fight
Not to rush into your light
Not to move closer, but to make you disappear
I'll forget you
God help me see the way to let you go
I do not want you
And still you steal each breath I'm breathing from me
With just a look
You overcome me
And I let you
I'll forget you
When I die
I will forget you
I will forget you
AH! That's quite enough wallowing for one day! :)
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