cyberspace junkyard
Tuesday, July 16, 2002
60 minutes'
Oh dear.
It seems the rumours about me being anal-retentive are actually true.
My lunchtime started off normally enough. I had plans to go to supermarket and get something healthy. Perhaps some soup.
I also wanted to visit HMV and browse through their items on sale and make use of a 10% discount card I've got. All sounds pretty average so far, right?
Well, that's where normality and I part ways. The 2 CDs/DVDs for $40 got a quick once over but I picked up Robbie Williams' "Sing when you're winning" (RRP$29.95) and "Josie and the Pussycats" on DVD (RRP$37.95) for a combined price of $40. Off to a good start.
I next cautiously approached the huge bargain table. A mess of CDs and DVDs were just strewn all over it. You've seen them before. 20 people crowded around a table picking and dropping items randomly back on the pile in the middle until all semblance of order and neat little rows is destroyed and a mini-mountain is formed. I shuddered in horror but bravely approached. I started in one corner of the DVD section and subconsciously began arranging DVDs I'd looked at into neat piles. As I gradually worked my way to the centre of the table, other neat little piles began to mysteriously form until I gave up all pretense of actually looking at the DVDs and just started arranging everything into piles.
1 hour later, the table looked as if the store had just opened in the morning, and fellow customers were either giving me strange looks, asking me questions cos they thought I worked there or guiltily helping me. I felt like one of those crazed cariacatures of makeover artists they have in movies where they frantically work their magic and viola - everything's all beautiful. Am I obsessive or what??
In any case, I spent $78 and ended up with...
1. Britney Spears - Live in Las Vegas (DVD)
2. Josie and the Pussycats (DVD)
3. Salsa Inferno - Intermediate Instructional DVD
4. Sing when you're winning - Robbie Williams
5. Der Musikalische Gartner (a classical CD - $2!)
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