cyberspace junkyard
Monday, September 16, 2002
Friday Five - grrrr
Grrrr cos I'm late and grrr cos when when all else fails, just ask questions about school.
Uh huh
1. What was/is your favorite subject in school? Why?
I love music, but music was my least favourite subject at school. and I hated geography. Oh, whoops - this is meant to be my favourite.... !! heehee
I loved languages - studied Indonesian (6 years), French (alas, just one year) and German (3 years). There's just something about a country's culture and history that is so wrapped up in their language. Wonder what that says about Australia, huh? And I have a good memory, so learning all that vocabulary was pretty easy.
2. Who was your favorite teacher? Why?
Mrs Wright. She was my Year 3 and Year 6 teacher and the one who constantly encouraged me to excel.
My least favourite was Mr Munns (music at various times in high school) - who always called me an underachiever.
3. What is your favorite memory of school?
Friends - no question about it. Especially the times spent with my "quartet" - Di, Trac and Ratsie.
4. What was your favorite recess game?
Well, in primary school it was probably the "rescue the princess" game which we invented in which we would take turns to be tied up at the lavender tree near the playground and then rescue each other valiantly. Also, I was in a pop group in Year 4 called the "Primary Pink Panthers". That was *ahem* fun.
5. What did you hate most about school?
Handing in assignments. Hate assignments. Love exams though.
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