cyberspace junkyard
Monday, September 02, 2002
Funny moment of the day
I was looking after a group of toddlers while their parents had their fortnightly bible study on Saturday afternoon. Of course, the day involved the usual rollicking fun and extreme levels of noise pollution but the funniest moment came towards the end of the 2 hours.
We were at the Tengs' home in Eastwood and 4 year old Brandon Teng (whom I was told is very territorial) had not spent the afternoon with us and was sulking a little bit outside. Cameron Honey (who has also just turned four) was cooking us all some pretend fish, rice, vegetables and goodness-know-what-else-he-put-in-the-concoction in a large plastic tub in Brandon's room. He was merrily mixing everything together when Brandon walks into the room and loudly announces that "that's the bowl that I vomit in when I'm sick."
Lovely. I was rolling around in laughter for the next several minutes, which is not exactly comfortable on a hardwood floor!
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