cyberspace junkyard
Monday, February 03, 2003
I wanna be just like you...
Hoorah for early 90s pop! I was at my church's Leaders' Retreat on the weekend - a few days away from the daily grind to enjoy God's creation, get into God's word and encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ who are serving at church this year.
Rev Allan Web (National Director of OMF) was the main speaker and God really used him mightily to open our eyes to the character of a leader. What a challenge to think more about being then doing. Here are some of the main things that stuck in my mind and heart.
- Striving to be W.S.V. - Wholehearted, Singleminded and Visionary in faith
- Being a way-treader and not a way-pointer. We're following in the steps of our Lord Jesus, the greatest Servant and the greatest Leader. I was encouraged to not just stand on the sidelines and direct but to lead by example. Not to just ride along behind and drive people forward but to get out in front and show the way.
- As the song says..." so let us learn how to serve | and in our lives enthrone Him | each other's needs to prefer | for it is Christ we're serving". Humbly serving not because we're catering to the whims of others, but in preference of their needs and in deference to our Lord.
- An effective leader is an effective follower. I was really challenged to be reminded that Jesus' first and last words to His disciple, Peter, were "follow me".
- Our own inadequacy is something to keep in mind as well as rejoice about, for it shows God's supreme sovereignty. Another song springs to mind... "May His beauty rest upon me as I seek the lost to win | and may they forget the channel, seeing only Him".
Just a quick snapshot of some of the main things I learnt. I'm sure that you might be able to find out more from Fjord, Kaz, CC or Chromakey!
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