cyberspace junkyard
Wednesday, May 28, 2003
Attack of the Cool Calm Collected Vron
Eye-witnesses today have reported sightings in Adelaide of what seems to be a monster emerging from dormancy. In the wake of inflexibility, ego and sheer rudeness, the chillingly cold creature known as Angry Vron has reared her ugly deathstares and waspish logic. In a bid to silence the smattering of defensive arguments hastily erected by her future two-up manager (once she rolls off her current project) and a French systems developer, Angry Vron has unleashed a torrent of slowly spoken mono- and bi-syllabic words: words intended to probe and wound the arrogant. Not for her are the red-faced shouting matches and finger-pointing that characterise other riled up creatures who stalk the corriders and meeting rooms of the Portfolio Services Centre. Oh no. How can you tell when Angry Vron is around? Just look for icicles hanging from the ceiling and windows frosting up.
Sidenote: It really rubs me up the wrong way when people are unwilling to respect others' opinions and to be a bit open-minded about decisions they are making that effect hundreds of other people and processes. All I was doing was trying to explain that you can't < analogy > play basketball with a baseball bat, even though it might be the best baseball bat in the world < /analogy >. After all, the best I can do is to speak calmly and rationally and to hope that they take it on board. It's just so darn frustrating to contend with work politics and people "protecting their own patch" and I felt myself getting internally heated even though I was (according to my project manager) projecting a really polite front. I really don't know how much longer I can keep pushing and pushing and just not adding any value. Ugh. Okay, all better now. :)
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