cyberspace junkyard
Friday, August 15, 2003
2 hours...
... is how exactly how much sleep I'll be getting tonight before my alarm goes off and I groan and roll around in bed reluctantly. And what am I doing up this late, you ask? Let me just say that I'd like to make a new window in my room, somewhere in the middle of the wall. I'm not fussed. As long as it's computer-shaped.
I've recently reinstalled Windows XP as I upgraded my motherboard, CPU and components. Fun fun fun. Joyous hours of sweat and frustration yesterday, leading up to the system not powering up, which turned out to be due to a faulty motherboard. Nice. New motherboard now installed, and the BIOS isn't compatible with my old system (apparently) so installed a new O/S.... only to remember that I had locked my documents etc into a separate folder and now can't get at them. Grrrrrr.... all those hours and hours of video clips, figure skating (Michelle Kwan.... wah!) and American Idol. Darn diggidy darn darn.
Hopefully I'll come up with a miraculous way of accessing those files soon.
In the meantime though.... boy is my computer fast! :)
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