cyberspace junkyard
Sunday, October 26, 2003
Pre-show matchup
No, I'm not talking about the rugby world cup (though did any of you catch the triple header today? or for that matter, Iron Chef?), but of course, my latest topic of obsession, Australian Idol.
Top 4. Wow. This place last year, on the first American Idol series, we were left with Kelly Clarkson (girl next door with the huge voice, eventual winner), Justin Guarini (the original afro, oozing charisma and charm), Tamyra Gray (strong set of pipes though lacking a bit of appeal for me) and Nikki McKibbin (all-american punk rock chick). I can't help but compare with our Australian Top 4. I mean, we have Paulini (big voice, down to earth), Guy (Afro the 2nd, though can't dance as well as Justin. Better voice though!), Cosima (polished performances but just doesn't do it for me) and Shannon (all Aussie rock dude).
As far as strategy goes, I think Paulini and Guy might be in trouble this week purely because of complacency and negative press. You wouldn't believe the number of people around the message boards saying that Paulini is only in the top 4 due to the sympathy vote. Has everyone forgotten that she has blown the judges and audience away with almost every performance? Wake up and smell the roses, people! Or maybe they're too busy chopping down the tall poppies?
Guy, on the other hand, is riding a stream of popularity and momentum. I hope people don't think he's just gonna cruise through this week, cos Cosima fans will multiple-vote due to her bottom 2 scare last week, and Shannon fans are going to multiple-vote cos I don't think he'll handle this week's theme, "Big Band", as well as the others.
I'm going to embarrass myself on National TV and make a sign for Paulini to take the the show tomorrow. I actually drew a design. Drew. A. Design. Can you believe it? (It actually looks rather snazzy... it has a sihlouette of Paulini from an earlier show, complete with curly hair taking up almost the entire left hand half of the cardboard. then, instead of holding a microphone, there is a gold trombone stretching to the right hand edge (big band. Get it?). Above the trombone, it sells in bold lettering PAULINI and below the trombone, it says BLOWS 'EM ALL AWAY.
I'm so sad.
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