cyberspace junkyard
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Idol Scoreboard - Big Band
I *heart* big band. How can you go wrong with a 20 piece swing band behind you? Well, unfortunately some of the idols had answers to that question I could never even dream of. Luckily for them, the band was so awesome we didn't notice. Much.
Chanel. I know, I know, she's out of the competition but all her interviews thus far (GMA, Kyle & Jackie O, co-hosting on Channel V etc) have been brilliantly articulate and witty. I feel the editing on Idol painted her in a bad light as the show went on and I'm pretty sure BMG wouldn't know what to do with her if she won.
Anthony (the "Guy" from last season's big band - solid but not particularly memorable)
Casey (The "Cosima" from last season's big band - first song was fun, second song not so much. Ouch with the shouting)
Courtney (the "Shannon". Turned in an impressive standing O performance as the last of the night, but slightly overrated on rewatch)
Hayley (the "Paulini". Got lots of comments about how beautiful she looked on the night. In all serious though - I really think Hayley should consider another career path. I just don't see it working out all peaches and happy endings for her)
Monday, October 25, 2004
Darn, I really wanted Chanel to make big band week. She would have ROCKED that theme.
Idol Scoreboard - RnB/Soul
Dear Channel 10, BMG or whoever it may concern,
Please remove this genre from all future seasons of Australian Idol. Thank you. I suggest that movie night would be an excellent substitution.
Yours sincerely,
Do I have to pick someone?
Chanel (she wandered a bit in the middle and got all Cosette like, but the bookends were okay)
Anthony (so glad he's got the flute playing under control, must send him a memo about the regularity of his timed voice cracks)
Casey (love her song choice and for the first time, I appreciated her warm tone when she sang softly but I still don't get why people gush over her belting range)
Courtney (could he have taken the criticsim any worse? golly)
Hayley (Oh my)
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Just giving myself a heart attack realising that my American Idol 1, Canadian Idol 2 and Australian Idol 2 mpegs take up 2.6Gb on my laptop. How sad.
I'm rediscovering my love for dancing. Whooo! In fact, I've just finished my 2nd (ever) hip hop class. Coming from a classical / jazz background, it's teaching me to really loosen up and move differently, and I'm loving it! What a bonus that as the Creative Arts Director at the church that's running the classes, I get to saunter casually over to the rooms and it's kinda part of my work day! (though I'm diligently paying my $5 per class anyway!)
We had 23 people there today, with 6 of them new this week. I'm stoked! We've even got 3 guys in the class, which is great. We're going to have to move into the large auditorium soon, complete with flashing lights and disco ball! Yay!
Man, how many extraneous little exclamations did I make just then? Whee!
Has anyone noticed that I say "yeah yeah" a lot? Apparently, I'm infecting people with that here at church.
Monday, October 18, 2004
Idol Scoreboard - 80's
Care factor is dipping dangerously down towards zero. Not good. I look at the top 6 and can't imagine any of them making a major impact on the Australian music industry. And is Dicko really leaving? Waaah!
Do I have to pick someone?
Chanel (love her, but don't think she and Idol are a good match)
Anthony (for sure the biggest voice left, I just need to resolve my personal issues with his putty face and finger pointing)
Courtney (his singing doesn't reach his face, darn it)
Casey (still not riding the wave of Casey-fandom)
Hayley (Please. Stop. Now. Thank you.)
Marty (Please. Stop. Weeks ago.)
Monday, October 11, 2004
Ricki-Lee's Departure
I had a funny feeling all day and knew she would be out tonight. Lots of people (like me) loved her exuberant performances and not necessarily obsessed about her as a person or even as a singer, so once she turned in a bad one... less reason to vote. QED, really.
Idol Scoreboard - Beatles
Great, only had to fast forward through 50% of tonight's show.
Chanel (Yay! love song, love the arrangement. And she belted!
Anthony (a little respect for music history, please)
Ricky-Lee (it really shows when she's not confident)
Courtney (an improvement, but still meh overall)
Casey (oh dear)
Hayley (didn't do it for me)
Marty (better)
Marcia (almost made it out of my ugh list til the smackdown with Dicko)
Thursday, October 07, 2004
The deed is done. The paperwork has been signed and filed. The dates are set. I am taking my first holiday since starting my current job all the way back in February. 2 and a half weeks in November. I'm lovin' it!
Did you know that not taking leave can drive you stir crazy? I'm beginning to think 4 weeks a year is nowhere near enough. I suppose I can console myself by remembering that every 13 days I work, I get 1 day leave. Whoopee doo.
Y'know, I've been thinking. Yes, you can all groan in disgust. I'm sick of strategising. I'm tired of being creative cos it's in my job title. I've had enough with always being the leader. Away with playing it safe. Damn you, Oprah, for making me cry today with your generosity and compassion and at the same time rue the fact that you're making people's wildest dreams come true by providing for them materially and yet not showing them where true fulfilment lies. I've spent so long going with what my head tells me that when my heart challenges me to do more to help people, to live outstandingly, to point others to Christ - I have no idea what this means for me.
Hmm... I think I'm really over everything at the moment. Yup, it's the quarter century crisis, 7 month job itch, grass is greener syndrome all rolled into one. Think I have issues much? I just feel there's meant to be something more. My life is turning into a Switchfoot song.
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Idol Scoreboard - Idol's Choice
Excellent! Only 50% of the show was spent on fast forward this week!
Anthony (awesome)
Ricki-Lee (Oooh, oooh! "The Bodyguard"! Ok, now that's over with... I think she's a great performer, not so much loving the voice.)
Chanel (Waah, not even my Marcia-hate could stop No.5 from spending a week out of my "love" column - I've hated this song from way back, no matter how she reinterpreted it)
Casey (song choice didn't grab me)
Courtney (alas, still the same old, same old)
Hayley (trying too hard)
Daniel (Mark was right on tonight - lazy singer!)
Marcia (no sense of equality or reason)
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