cyberspace junkyard
Thursday, October 07, 2004
The deed is done. The paperwork has been signed and filed. The dates are set. I am taking my first holiday since starting my current job all the way back in February. 2 and a half weeks in November. I'm lovin' it!
Did you know that not taking leave can drive you stir crazy? I'm beginning to think 4 weeks a year is nowhere near enough. I suppose I can console myself by remembering that every 13 days I work, I get 1 day leave. Whoopee doo.
Y'know, I've been thinking. Yes, you can all groan in disgust. I'm sick of strategising. I'm tired of being creative cos it's in my job title. I've had enough with always being the leader. Away with playing it safe. Damn you, Oprah, for making me cry today with your generosity and compassion and at the same time rue the fact that you're making people's wildest dreams come true by providing for them materially and yet not showing them where true fulfilment lies. I've spent so long going with what my head tells me that when my heart challenges me to do more to help people, to live outstandingly, to point others to Christ - I have no idea what this means for me.
Hmm... I think I'm really over everything at the moment. Yup, it's the quarter century crisis, 7 month job itch, grass is greener syndrome all rolled into one. Think I have issues much? I just feel there's meant to be something more. My life is turning into a Switchfoot song.
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[Sam&Steph] [Mushiejc] [Dreamz] [Hongus] [Ratsie in Japan]
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