cyberspace junkyard
Saturday, June 17, 2006
I am sooooo unfit.
Even though I've lived 1 min from the Cooks River Cycleway for 6 months (and for 13 years before that from 1984 - 1997), I've never ventured onto its well worn tracks. Well, in a fit of inspiration, I decided it was time to get my lazy body away from my computer / ministry / DVDs / books / work and all manner of other daily routines and into the crisp, fresh winter air on bicycle.

Yes, it was fun. Yes, my quads are screaming. Yes, I gave myself a wedgie (who designed bicycle seats anyway???). Yes, I realise it was a tad silly having a shower and washing my hair before I went riding. Still, what's life without a bit of adventure? An adventure-less life, that's what!
Oh, and I met one of my neighbour's teenage kids today, who plays guitar in a rock band. His bro plays bass and his sister sings. We traded mid-week rehearsal stories (we can hear muffled sounds through the walls) and he commented that I did a lot of hymns (I think he was referring to the Easter vocal group item) and he liked it. Heh! I'd had a bit of a suspicion about whether they're Christians, cos the whole family goes out on Sunday mornings, so hopefully I can find out for sure next time we bump into each other.
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