cyberspace junkyard
Friday, May 03, 2002
Hi, my name is Vaniche, and I'm addicted to Body Combat. It's been 4 weeks since my last class.
Actually, it's true - I've really missed spending my Friday lunchtimes sweating, kicking, jabbing, hooking, switching, uppercutting, blocking, crunching and elbowing. I actually abstained from my usual Combat class in a fit of pique. My favourite instructor left the gym under "mysterious circumstances" and I haven't been able to bring myself to attend the Friday class under a different instructor. I've tried other classes but to no avail - it's just not the same.
For the first time in a month though, I summoned up the determination and courage to face my fears and see just what's changed on Fridays.
You know what? it's still the same. The person up the front may be different, but combat has insinuated itself back into my system.
Anytime you're up for a bit of airpunching - let me know. We'll form our own Combatants Anonymous.
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