cyberspace junkyard
Friday, July 26, 2002
A girl like me just can't resist a Borders sale!
Ah yes - money is really being squeezed out of my budget this month!
At the Borders 20% off everything for uni students on Wednesday, I picked up the Never Been Kissed DVD, the "Mists of Avalon" DVD (been hankering for this for a while!) and "A Walk to Remember" (the novel) by Nicholas Sparks. The total? $64 - not bad for 2 DVDs and a book, huh?
You see, not only did I get my 20% off, but Mists of Avalon was only $29.90! I could not believe it! Everywhere I've seen (including importing from overseas) came to about $45. After I finished salivating and spending, oh, about 2 secs deciding to buy it, I am now the proud owner of yet more visual and aural stimulation. Of course, it doesn't hurt watching it on a 134cm home theatre screen, either... !!
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