cyberspace junkyard
Monday, August 19, 2002
I hate Mondays
This'll teach me to get more than 6 hours sleep a night.
For the first time in weeks, I got 9 hours sleep. Incredible. I was so exhausted from the previous days' early mornings, late nights and general choc-a-bloc activities that I crashed at about 9:30pm!
In any case, I got into work refreshed and ready for the week, only to be trampled with a mac-truck of issues, problems and head-splitting decisions that have to be made TODAY or my entire project will, splutter, stall and grind to an excruciating halt.
I could sense as soon as I turned my computer on that it was going to be a bad day. Sometimes you just know these things - you can feel it in your bones.
I hate Mondays.
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