cyberspace junkyard
Thursday, August 15, 2002
Bargain Day again!
I bought another two tantalising movies yesterday. I was in the Imperial Arcade getting my eyebrows done and then walked across to the Grace Bros food court to buy some lunch. I decided to walk back to my office under cover instead of venturing outside into the cold. Of course, I had to walk through HMV.
Mistake #1. The DVDs and videos were calling out to me! "Buy me! Buy me!". I tried to look away but my gaze was pulled back time and time again. So many to choose from! So many under $20! How could I ever escape the impending pressure of deciding whether or not to purchase one?
Well, I ended up buying "Thank God he met Lizzie" on DVD for $14.95 (co-starring Cate Blanchett - love her work) and St Elmo's Fire on video for $9.95. Of course, with my wonderful 10% discount, it only cost $22 or so for the both.
Have you ever seen St Elmo's Fire? I guess it's like an 80s version of Friends, but in a movie. And not funny at all. Kinda depressing actually.
But the relationships between the seven 20-somethings are very real and you do kinda get swept along on their ocean of emotion, betrayal, love, loyalty, confusion and realisation that some friends are friends forever.
I rather enjoyed it, just because I felt like I was watching a historic movie - it had the likes of Demi Moore, Rob Lowe, Judd Nelsom, Ally Sheedy etc very early on in their career. There weren't really any stereotypes either - in fact, the characters were all endearing in their own way. Oh, pardon me - all except Emilio Estevez in his scenes with the cameo-like appearance of Andie McDowell. He made me want to throw a pillow at the screen and fast forward til the cows came home.
Sweet and poignant and oh so wonderful for only $9!
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