cyberspace junkyard
Thursday, August 08, 2002
Guys and Salad don't mix
Third day of my course, today! I think people were starting to come out of their shells a little bit, which makes for some very interesting and obscure conversation. I found myself milling around the pancake table (they served us pancakes for morning tea with cream, jam, syrup, coulis - YUM!) discussing all the different languages in we can insult someone by calling them "stupid"!
Anyway, lunch was particularly interesting. Firstly, have you noticed that guys don't eat salad voluntarily? (perhaps a slight exaggeration... though I emphasise the word "slight") I looked around at everyone's plates, and sure enough, all the girls had mountains of greens, some filling up half the plate (mine included!) while all the guys had piles of rice, meat, potatoes, fish and bread. Guys always tell me that they're not rabbits and would therefore not eat lettuce. What does that make us girls, then?
The other thing I noticed was that there was an entire girls' table and an entire guys' table. What are we, in Kindergarten? We had adults ranging from early 20s (me!) to late 50s and 60s, and we still sit on separate tables?! =)
In any case, myself and a fellow female were the last to pile up our plates at the buffet and therefore the last to sit down. Turns out there was only one place left at the girls' table and the last spot - good gracious! - was at the guys' table. Shock horror! What was one to do?
Well, I bit the bullet and sat at the guys' table, amidst cheers and laughter.
I was the only one with salad at the table though.
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