cyberspace junkyard
Tuesday, August 06, 2002
Paperback Heroes
I was thinking the other day that girls' perceptions of the "perfect guy" can be pretty warped. We see a soppy movie and think "sigh, why aren't the guys I know like that?". (eg - watching A Walk to Remember and declaring that I'd like a guy who still uses the word "ergo"!)
Everything we read and watch adds a little something to our mental image til we have it so firmly fixed in our minds that it starts clouding reality and we start measuring people up against a fantasy that we would never actually want to come true. It's rather sad, really!
Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating slightly, but let me tell you - I have a list of characters a mile long that have contributed to my little bubble of an ideal man. I've swooned over Dimitri's hair (Anastasia). I've raised an appreciative eyebrow at Li Shang's back (Mulan - and yes - I realise they are both animated!). I've cried in desperation at the death of Rohan and the loss of his quiet strength (Stronghold). I've wept in frustration and shock at the death of Andry and his unfulfilled potential (Skybowl). I've suffered palpitations at the unspoken but tender love of Joss for Cailet (Mageborn Traitor). I've admired the simplicity of life and clear priorities of Durnik (Enchanter's End Game). I've grinned at the wit of the Wesleys (Princess Bride), the verbosity of the Harrys (When Harry met Sally), the comfort of the Rogers (Wives and Daughters) and the pride of the Darcys (Pride and Prejudice).
At the end of the day though - I can throw the list away. People are unique. You can't add them up like balance sheet. I mean, that's really rather selfish, isn't it? While you're busy trying to find a guy that's perfect for you, you don't often think about whether or not you are the perfect one for him, huh?
And besides - why settle for characteristics of this world anyway, when you can have someone who's been shaped by the characteristics of God?
Show me love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22).
Give me love that is patient, kind, not envious, not boastful, not proud, not rude, not self-seeking, not easily angered, not holding grudges, not delighting in evil, rejoicing in the truth, protecting, trusting, hoping, persevering and most of all unconditional. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
Most of all though - may God grow me into that same person too.
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