cyberspace junkyard
Friday, August 02, 2002
"Our song"
I think I mentioned earlier that I'm singing at a friend's wedding. It's coming up tomorrow! Nerves, excitement and happiness for the couple as usual. I love weddings (which is lucky, as there seems to be a spate of pending marriages at our church at the moment) and more so when it's a Christian couple. To have someone commit to a life with another person with "God as their witness" is so much more meaningful when they actually believe that God is their witness!
Anyway, the question I always ask a couple that I sing for is - do you have "a song"?
Now, you know that I mean. Couples seem to inevitably find that special song - the one that was playing in that restaurant on their first date... the one they both heard at the radio at the same time and thought of each other... the one that came to mind when they pictured the other person etc etc.
Well, I was hunting around on some old disks the other day and found "our song" from when I was in a relationship with Peter. Now, we were the kind of couple that would sing and quote each other love songs every second day, so to narrow it down to one song might seem difficult. After all, we have a song for when he went overseas, a song for the first time we said "I love you", a song for pretty much every major event and emotion we experienced! This song was always the one he came back too though. At the time, I hadn't even heard of it, but it really is just bittersweet irony when you think about how we ended up living on opposite sides of the globe.
I'll always be there
You and I
have followed the trace, laid by
People of faith and pride
With hungry eyes
You and I
could conquer the stars, if we tried
or simply live by simpler vows
and let the storm go by
You and I
have written the book, line by line
The few things it took to survive
was your loving heart and mine
Should you go
Remember these words, as they show
Just how much I care, don't you know
I'll always be there
(I'll always be there)
There when the world and its promise is failing
(I'll always be there)
There when the frost of its winter is cursing
(I'll always be there)
There when the tears in your eyes keep asking me
(I'll always be there)
I'll always be there
You and I
will follow the trace, laid by
People of faith and pride
With angry eyes gone blind
You and I
will show them the light, we live by
So never again will they try
To keep us apart
(I'll always be there)
There when the world and its promise is failing
(I'll always be there)
There when the frost of its winter is cursing
(I'll always be there)
There when the tears in your eyes keep on asking me why
(asking me why)
I'll always be there
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