cyberspace junkyard
Tuesday, July 30, 2002
I've discovered that I have a crippling fear of electric shocks. You know, that tiny little pin prick feeling when you have too much static electricity built up and you touch something metal. Metal conducts electricity etc etc etc - ouch!
Anyway, the door handle to my office is metal. The new boots with a rubber sole I bought a mere 3 months ago seem to collect much more static electricity than could ever be thought possible. Put the two together, and you have more pain than V can bear.
I'm so scared of getting an electric shock when I open that door, that I have to steel myself to walk up to it and have 2 or 3 false attempts to reach out and grab the door handle. I tell myself that it's only a little bit of pain - hardly noticeable! It takes me 5 minutes to actually open it and walk through each time!
Well, my solution has been to wear different shoes, but if I went to a psychiatrist, I'm sure they'd tell me that I was just avoiding the issue and that I need to confront it head on to finally be rid of my phobia.
I'll let you know what happens after I see my therapist! =P
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