cyberspace junkyard
Friday, August 09, 2002
Zippety Doodah!
I am officially blogging for the very first time from my new home computer! Alright! I feel a spate of exclamation marks coming on! woohoo!!
I have been without a computer at home for about 6 months. Oh the pain. Oh the desolation. Withdrawal symptoms galore! Just when I thought I'd managed to wean myself slowly off, and only spend 8 hours a day online (permanent connection at work) instead of 8 then another 4-5 at home, work offers my a really cheap deal on a new computer and so, of course, I buy it.
What can I say? I'm a yuppie through and through.
On a sadder note though - 3 days of marvellous eating at my project management conference has left me with a serious case of "my eyes can consume more food than my stomach" syndrome and a bit of an icky bug as well. Here's hoping I've recovered by tomorrow - teaching singing all day then a showing of the LOTR: FOTR DVD!!
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