cyberspace junkyard
Friday, August 09, 2002
Friday Five Take 3
Just scraping in - by my clock, I've only got 10 minutes to go!
1. Do you have a car? Yes, a gift from my parents. It's a '93 Ford futura
2. Do you drive very often? , Well, at least every weekend (to and from bible study, church, going out on Saturday night etc) Usually once or twice on a weeknight too but very very rarely would I drive it to work. That's the beauty of being able to catch a ferry!
3. What's your dream car? Well, I'm not really big on cars, but I've always wanted a SAAB convertible. Oh, and the latest few models of the VW Golf (open top) are pretty cute too. Although, my ultimate dream car is one that someone else is driving for me! heehee
4. Have you ever received a ticket? Once for running a red light.
5. Have you ever been in an accident? Pretty minor ones though, and not usually my fault! I've been sandwiched between two cars a couple of times.
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