cyberspace junkyard
Thursday, September 05, 2002
V's Five Minute Wrap-Up
Finally saw Memento tonight - thanks for all those who recommended it!
I must say that I concentrated more than was wholesome and was taking mental notes the whole way through the movie. It was rather amusing at the end, cos the movie ended rather abruptly. I thought that I had missed a step, but started conjecturing on what I thought just happened. Then, just in case, we watched the last scene again and realised that the slightly scratched DVD had skipped about 30 CRUCIAL seconds!
Nice to know that if we'd written the movie, we would have written it the same way!
In any case, I concur - it was rather brilliant in its plot construction. Can't really say much else without giving it away! The acting was just right too - I say this because it wasn't distracting, "look-at-me" style acting but was a case of the actors lending their skills to help tell the story, which was the real star of the show.
You'll second guess yourself and all the characters, you'll think yourself silly trying to stay one step ahead and you'll whistle in admiration when all is revealed. Not bad at all!
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