cyberspace junkyard
Thursday, November 14, 2002
I can't believe it is only 20 days until my birthday. I actually dislike my own birthday as a general rule. I think it stems from the elaborate parties I had as a kid (my first Maccas party when they still had fried chicken, Australia's Wonderland and my 15th at the Summit, to name a few!) followed by the heart-clenching feeling I got when I was a little older and you wake up realising your own family has forgotten your birthday.
Still, I suppose 24 is a better year than 21 or 25 (too much tradition).
For some reason, I've always wanted to get to the age of 28. I don't know what I'm expecting - I'm sure I won't feel any different once I reach that age, but still we've all got our little mirages, right?
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