cyberspace junkyard
Sunday, June 29, 2003
Brain Strain
I finally saw Matrix Reloaded! (I know, I know... about time, huh?) Predictably, I liked it, particularly the obsession inducing nature of the unanswered questions it posed. The action scenes were exceptionally... action packed. The characters didn't undergo too much development (lots were introduced that we have yet to really know, and the existing ones were the same as the first movie, except in different circumstances). My favourite new character would have to be the new ship operator, Link. Funny funny guy. Still, the purpose of this movie seemed to be as a link between the first and the third. Kinda like a "hey, you think the first movie was complex and you're smart enough to figure out what's going on, well, lookee here, some curve balls for ya, but nyah nyah nyah, I'm not going to give you the answers til the last movie".
It'll take me a while to gather my thoughts, but in the meantime, here's some sites with some interesting theories as to what it all means, and what will be revealed come Matrix Revolutions at the end of the year. Enjoy!
Matrix Secrets Revealed - the mother of all Matrix theory sites
Scott Manning's site - diagrams and all! Oh, this guy is thorough. Make sure you check out his second theory, all the misconceptions, and the transcripts. Nice.
Matrix Reloaded Discussion- not a hugely busy board, but quite comprehensive. Check out the My-Matrix-Theories.
My take on it is, read all you want, speculate all you want, just be prepared to have it all blown open in the third movie. :)
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