cyberspace junkyard
Friday, June 13, 2003
Friday the 13th
Oooh... black Friday. What a perfect day for the weather to be gloriously sunny! It would have been a little spine-chilling had yesterday's thick blanket of fog been around this morning. Just goes to show that age-old traditions really don't have much in them after all, huh?
Today has been a rather dismal day at work though. Everyone seems to be going around with a heavy heart knowing that we're all due to hop on the merry-go-round of "justify your job". I don't quite know how I feel about it yet. I think that the senior management has taken the easy way out - dumping everyone into a pool of skills and let them sort themselves out by applying for jobs. I can't comprehend how some managers care so little for the people that work for them and don't even take the time to find out what it is you do day to day. It's not so much disappointing for me (I'll just happily plod along where-ever I am!) but to see others who have been in this organisation for over a decade be shunted aside with everyone else makes me quickly lose respect for those doing the shunting.
Ah well, that's life in the corporate world, I suppose. It might be draining, but my aim is to keep everyone's spirits up and use these uncertain times to seize every opportunity to talk about what is certain, namely the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Have a lovely weekend, all! Mine will be filled with saltlight admin (darn this executive producer thing), teaching, church and a couple of small social meals. Au revoir!
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