cyberspace junkyard
Sunday, November 02, 2003
Final Three - Australia Idol
Trying for economy of words...
What happened
What a flat show all around. I really miss Paulini. The show tried to take off but failed to soar. Shannon was okay. I was a bit bored. "One" was passable, "Hey Jude" deserved the slightly negative comments, which I think will actually help put him through. Guy's "Can't take my eyes off you" was tre cool. I liked it! One bum note, but he kept pushing for it. "Climb every mountain" was nerve wracking the first time (how on earth was he going to sing the Mother Superior's song?), brilliant the 2nd and 3rd time. It wasn't vocally very secure, but he gave a really strong emotional performance. Class of the night. Cosima - oh dear. I think she looked more bored than I felt. It was almost like she knew her voice wasn't going to hold up so she just gave up trying. I'd hoped she would come back tonight and blow us away and give Guy at least a little more competition vocally. Overall, I just didn't feel the swinging 60's at all! The best part of the whole show was the opening section with the 2 hosts and 4 go-go dancers (iuncluding Courtney Act) introducing the 60's theme. Classic!
What should happen
They should bring back Paulini and have her and Guy sing off at the Opera House. Ok, ok, just kidding. Based on tonight's performance and overall consistency, Guy should definitely get through to the final two. I would also have to say that my personal preference would be for a 100% well Cosima, though since that is doubtful, I would actually say Shannon should make the final 2, as I find him more genuine than Cosima, and I think he can learn the stagecraft.
What will happen
Cosima fans will go crazy voting for her as they are scared she will get the least votes, due to her weak performances and the judges' lashing. Shannon fans will go crazy voting for him as he wore a suit and was told he couldn't move by Dicko. Guy will win over most of the 1-vote only people, not to mention his rapidly expanding fan base. It's too close to call. My gut says Guy and Shannon, with Cosima expecting to be booted.
What could happen in Vron's worst nightmare
Cosima and Shannon get through on sympathy, underdog and tribal votes and we are forced into a second-rate grand final, with both Guy and Paulini out of the running due to complacency.
Edited 10:31pm: As expected, Cosima's fan group are going crazy voting for her, saying they are voting 2 or 3 times as much due to the judges' "unfair" comments. They obviously didn't want to be hearing what I was saying in my living room then! I think if she had kept going the way she was after the first 3 final shows, she would definitely deserve to be in the final 2 over Shannon, but she hasn't turned in a good performance in weeks, in my opinion. I'm getting worried for Guy now. Might go and vote.
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