cyberspace junkyard
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Weekly News
The quick and dirty round up of the last few days...
- Bought 2 disc Casablanca and 2 disc Robin Hood Prince of Thieves for $20 each. Alright!
- Bought 4 disc TTT-EE for $58.95. Happy. Yay! Couldn't be bothered shopping around for cheaper. Musssst have it!
- Watched Holes on Sunday afternoon. Surprisingly good and nothing like what I expected (mainly because I wasn't expecting anything at all and had no idea what it was about before watching it)
- Fell onto my left knee (which bled a little and formed a tiny scab. EEEEEEWW (I have a phobia about scabs (ooh, cool - brackets within brackets))) which is still stiff, preventing me from bending my knee quickly and therefore climbing up or down stairs efficiently
- Sat 2 exams - 1 on philosophy, and 1 on number theory. This is it! I'm never going back to uni again! (unless my HPS supervisor convinces me do an Arts major as well, in History and Philosophy of Science)
- Went to a friend's info night before he takes off for Cambodia for 10 weeks.
- Watched the last 30 minutes of the Wallabies finishing off the All Blacks on Saturday night. Go you good thing!
- Waiting patiently for one of my best friends to give birth to her 2nd child (days after celebrating the first child's 1st birthday. Yay!) and congratulating another old friend who just got engaged!
- Finished 90% of the post-album-launch admin. Phew!
- Voted spasmodically for Guy
- Waiting impatiently for the grand final tonight. I'm having an Idol party at my house. How sad am I?
recent posts
Yes!!! the TTT-EE comes out today!!!
Strange times Today, I sat a philosophy exam, wore...
Votes Voted for Guy again a couple of times just t...
Call me crazy Oh dear. I've succumbed to temptatio...
Okay, okay... Hmmm, most of you are probably expec...
Australian Idol - Eep Worried, worried, worried. G...
Coffee? Had my first weak skinny Mocha in months t...
Five days to go! We had our 2nd last rehearsal ton...
Turn of events Who would have expected Cosima to w...
Final Three - Australia Idol Trying for economy of...
real life buddies I read
[Sam&Steph] [Mushiejc] [Dreamz] [Hongus] [Ratsie in Japan]
online buddies I read
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