cyberspace junkyard
Friday, January 09, 2004
My whole Honey experience began when I walked into Greater Union at Burwood. My brother and his friend called me 15 minutes before the movie was due to start telling me they were going to make it just in time and to buy tickets for them. Nonchalantly making my way down the stairs, thinking I had plenty of time, I noticed a long, noisy queue for one of the cinemas. I should have realised that the uniformity of under-30, supposedly cool. hip and urban, perfect hair and accessories crowd (and that was just the guys! Hee!) meant only one thing. They were there to see Honey. (Alas, read "try hard" in Vron fashion language)
I bought tickets and joined the line, which already had over a 100 people in front of me and within minutes, another 100 behind me. To cut a long story short, my bro made it in the nick of time and we got pretty good seats in the end (mostly cos everyone else there was with a crowd of about 20).
Oh, the movie itself? Story? Been there, done that. Acting? Don't make me laugh. Well, actually, it was unintentionally funny in several places, which meant for good, rolllicking enjoyment. Cameos by famous hip-hop artists? Cool. Dancing? Awesome and inspiring!
It's the kind of movie I'd buy on DVD for sure, but wouldn't waste time watching it again on the big screen cos I couldn't skip to all the dancing bits that way. Still, worth a look, if just for the afro. You'll know what I mean. Adorable.
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