cyberspace junkyard
Monday, November 07, 2005
Trek down south
For the 3rd time in a month, Melbourne will once more be graced with my presence, this time for 4 day stay. The bonus? Free internet (we're sponsoring the Internet Cafe at an industry conference). The downside? All the work that I just know will be piling up for me when I get back to the Sydney office next week. Joy.
On a reflective note, I was wondering this morning - when did I transition from having a parent-child relationship to having a friends-business partner relationship with my mum? I think it happened while my back was turned. Aside from the times when dad packs my lunch or mum picks out my clothes (hey, it's a perk!), it's kinda weird to see your parents in a different light - where you get to find out what makes them tick. Interesting...
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