cyberspace junkyard
Monday, June 03, 2002
Oh, the embarrassment
Why is it that every couple of years, I get an irrepressible urge to write down all my thoughts in a diary?
Good intentions don't always end the way you planned, though, so I now have about 6 (and counting...) half finished books full of useless ramble.
Rather like this blog, actually.
Some of the diaries have been truly dismal attempts, not making it more than a handful of pages (burying my head in shame).
Some of them have started well (about a quarter of a book) then strangely skip forward about 12 months, picking up with "Gosh - I haven't written in this diary for ages". (most common phrase running through all the diaries, other than AARRGGHH!)
The things that diaries reveal about yourself are not necessarily flattering and are, in fact, downright embarrassing.
What did I realise about myself?
1. I did not handle stress well
2. I really was a rather pompous goody two shoes
3. I wanted to be a physicist for four long years of my schooling life
4. I discovered the 4th time in my entire life I've cried about something that happened to me - when I lost the Year 8 Archdale Debating Cup (as opposed to a movie / book, where I cry at the drop of a hat)
5. I was fifteen the first time a guy told me he "wasn't ready for a relationship"
6. I had a strange thing about silk pajamas
Good golly.
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