cyberspace junkyard
Monday, June 24, 2002
:) :) :)
Well, 22 hours after walking into Burwood Greater Union to see the Hard Word, I found myself at the gates of the Bass Hill Drive-In for the first time. How ironic that I drove 30 minutes to get there a mere 12 days after I moved out of the house that was 2 minutes away from the drive-in. Life is strange.
In any case, we tossed up the idea of seeing the Minority Report combo but instead opted for the Spiderman combo. It was coupled with a movie we'd never heard of called Just Visiting. (see the next review for more info)
The drive-in is such an experience! We had no idea what we were doing (we were, like, the 4th car to get there and were aimlessly following signs and maneouvering the car between the speaker posts trying to figure out which one was Field One and where the best spot to position the car was.
We happily settled into the 4th "row", then bundled ourselves out of the car to get some dinner from the snack bar. Bargain burgers. And soggy hot chips with gravy. Tre cool.
Anyway, when we got back to our car, the stunning realisation hit us that we couldn't get reception on the radio to hear the soundtrack (the antenna was locked and we couldn't get a strong enough signal). Back to the drawing board re positioning the car. We drove around to one of the spots that had the old fashioned speakers that you put in your car. It was actually great to do the authentic experience, and hooking up a 2nd speaker in the back meant that we simulated the surround sound effect. We considered stretching yet another one from the car space next to us, but thought that would be going a bit far. Anyway, we finally got sound about 15 minutes into the ads and previews. Bliss.
Well, the movie itself was okay. It was trundling along nicely (very comic book like and cliched - and enough with the Superman innuendos already) but the last 20 minutes just felt so rushed and dissatisfying. It seemed like they had to throw in all these incidental scenes to explain the need for a sequel that just jarred with the flow of the rest of the movie. A bit of a let down though you have to tip your hat at the S/FX.
The scene that cracked us all up? Spiderman learning to use his web. Just hilarious.
I can't believe this was the top grossing movie of all time in its first weekend in the US. It was good, but not that good.
Then again, this is a nation that has the Titanic as its top movie of all time. Please.
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