cyberspace junkyard
Thursday, August 22, 2002
Hi. My name is V and I'm a blogaholic.
Well, that's not entirely true, I think I'm actually a netaholic.
My brand spanking new computer decided to go on hiatus just days after I started customising it.Now, customering is usually a process that can take weeks, months, even years. In any case, something had gone screwy with some system files and the whole operating system pretty much just collapsed on me. One of the main problems was with the modem. I've gotten to know the people from the IBM hardware helpdesk rather well, but I shudder at the conversations we had.
by the fourth phone call, they were all blurring into one another...
Them: What's the problem?
Me: The replacement modem you sent me isn't working correctly
Them: What's the problem?
Me: It's not picking up a dial tone
Them: There's a support web page on the Internet at www.....
Me: But my modem doesn't work so I can't connect to it
them: Did you try...?
Me: Yes
Them: How about...?
Me Done that
Them: Oh, oh, what about... ?
Me: One step ahead of you and no, it still doesn't work
Them: Oh. let's try some configuration changes
Me: I've done this twice before with the other two helpful technicians an hour ago
Them: Let's try again.
(we fiddle around with some settings and end up exactly where we started)
Me: I told you it wouldn't work
Them: You're just going to have to do a complete product recovery.
Anyway, I'm back online at home and so you'll be happy to hear that you'll be getting blog entries day and night. Joy upon all joys.
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