cyberspace junkyard
Friday, November 15, 2002
I was talking with a couple of good friends yesterday about a recent event that had a major impact on one of their lives. It got me thinking about the milestones in my life. Tripping down memory lane...
First school
Well, the only one really, I was there from Pre-school to Year 12! Still, I reckon I learnt most things I know about manners, public speaking, languages, love of English and toasted cheese sandwiches there. Also the possibly less desirable cramming, handing in assigments late and dealing with "tall poppy syndrome". I wasn't sad to leave (had been seeing the Senior School guidance counsellor from year 10 onwards about wanting to get out and go to uni) but it's still a milestone.
First choir
Wow - the Australian Girls Choir was a huge part of my life from Year 5 to Year 8. Trekking to Gordon every Monday after school and moving up the ranks through to the Bel Canto. We had constant rehearsals, dance camps and concerts and I loved it! I owe my passion for harmony singing to AGC - if I hadn't been able to read music, I would never have gotten put into First Altos (even though I'm really a soprano) and the rest, as they say, is history.
First eisteddfod
Piano lessons from the age of four paid off and I ended up with a swag of trophies and an unhealthy competitiveness. Been trying to lose my whole one-up-manship nature for several years now, but when I need a reminder, I push aside my photo frames on the top of my bookshelf, cringe at my trophies for a while and then go about life as normal!
First trip to Europe
This was actually a month long school music tour of Germany, Austria and France in 1995. Introduced me to my favourite city (Salzburg) and just being in an atmosphere that thrived on culture and music was something else. (why oh why I am working for a bank?) I also felt the first serious pangs of friendship betrayal and it was ouchy. Really ouchy. Can I emphasise the ouchy-ness of this enough? But it taught me to keep my head up and not let things bother me, but keep my eyes on what's really important. Which is probably where I get my whole analytical unemotional attitude from.
First time on stage
Not just concerts, mind you, but treading the floorboards, smelling the greasepaint, hogging the spotlight and all that. A Midsummer Night's Dream in 1993 was one of the most amazing 3 months of my life. I learnt to act, I learnt to wear white, I learnt the backstage tricks and faux pas, I learnt about stage makeup, I learnt about the deep friendships you can only form in that kind of intense relationship with a group of people for a set time. As a girl, I was a very reserved, quiet type - I was wondering where the whole drama queen thing came from, and I think I found it. Once on stage, always on stage.
First funeral
I learnt to appreciate what I have and be thankful, because you never know when it might be taken from you. I miss my grandmother.
First love
My first serious relationship wasn't until uni. I fell head over heels in about a week and did all the things I used to (and still do) cringe at. Sentimentalism is not my forte (actions speak louder than words). Actually I'm going to digress slightly and state that sometimes what you stop yourself from saying or doing is just as important as what you do say or do. Anyway, I grew up a lot and realised that there is more to a relationship than chemistry, laughter and really, really embarrassing love letters.
First heartbreak
I think that this muscles you up emotionally and mentally. Taught me critical things about trust and honesty among humans and the realisation that God is sovereign and more than that, He loves me unconditionally and I can put my hope entirely in Him.
Relationship with God
I put this last cos it's had the most impact on my life. I've always been surrounded by Christians (half my family are involved in full time ministry!) but I first woke up to the gospel in Year 8, and my life really turned around at the end of Year 10. To quote a song...
He's my Saviour, Messiah, Redeemer and Friend
He's the Prince of Peace, and I will live my life for Him
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[Sam&Steph] [Mushiejc] [Dreamz] [Hongus] [Ratsie in Japan]
online buddies I read
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