cyberspace junkyard
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
What's so amazing about grace
I've been thinking about God's grace in the past few days. You know, it's one of those concepts which gets tossed around pretty often - Christians sing about it, study it, talk about it, read about it - but once in a while it just blows you away. A friend of mine was hurt by someone recently, and our little trio that meets up in such "emergencies" found it hard to be rational, loving and act in a Godly way towards him. Thinking about it just made my blood boil and I had to pray that I wouldn't be judgemental but that I would be able to support my friend in the most loving way possible.
Anyway, it got me thinking about God's attitude towards us when we were in our deepest rejection of Him. Grace is something we don't deserve. I've been learning about how hard it is to be gracious, but really, it's just a characteristic of being Godly. It's much easier to hang onto hurt and retaliatory thoughts and much harder to let it go and look to God and how He loved us despite everything. Praying to God to thank Him for His grace and to pray that He will show me even more what it means to be gracious!
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