cyberspace junkyard
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Higher Ways
There are times when my heart yearns for a good dose of Steven Curtis Chapman music. I've been revelling in my favourite Christian song of all time today.
If I could only fly
I'd go up and look down from the sky
So I could see the bigger picture
And Lord if I could sit with You
At Your feet for an a hour or two
I'm sure I'd ask too many questions
'Cause there's so much going on down here
That I must confess I just don't understand
But I have prayed
And at Your feet my whole life has been laid
So I won't worry, I won't be afraid
'Cause my soul is resting on Your higher ways
So let the road ahead become unclear
For I am Yours so what have I to fear
If my soul is resting on Your higher ways
Your higher ways, teach me to trust You
Your higher ways are not like mine
Your higher ways are the ways of a Father
Hiding His children in His love
So let it rain
And if my eyes grow dim with tears of pain
This hope I have will not be washed away
'Cause my soul is resting on Your higher ways
Someday I will fly
Maybe then You will take me aside
And show me the bigger picture
But until I'm with You
I'll be here with a heart that is true
And a soul that's resting on Your higher ways
PS - Back from donning my chef's hat at KYC. Camp food will never be the same again!
PPS - 7 days left at my current job. Woohoo!
Thursday, January 22, 2004
Patience is a virtue
Melanie Rawn has finally started working on the third and final book of her Exiles trilogy. I've waited 5 years for this and given her average writing time and editing/publishing, I should have it in my hands in about 2 years! This is shaping up to be one of my all time favourite series, a peer among the Belgariad (Eddings) and the Daughter/Servant/Mistress of the Empire (Feist/Wurts). Can't wait! *sigh* patience, patience, Iago.
Checking in
Things have been pretty busy here so alas blogging has fallen to the way side.
Just past: Catching up with old friends, organising myself to cook at Katoomba Youth Convention, big decisions re church and work, reading Princess Bride, watching Wives & Daughters, listening to Maroon 5.
Coming up: KYC, Leaders' Retreat at church, catching up with more friends, final 11 days at current job (Eeeeeee!)
A friend mentioned to me today that I seem to be moving on in life - entering a different phase so to speak. I actually feel like I've been getting ready for that over the past 18 months! Fighting feelings of restlessness, trying new challenges, making new friends, searching for that elusive sense of personal purpose that fits in with the bigger picture. If, 2 years ago, you'd told me that I would be where I am now, I would be the first to laugh at you. Guess things have their own way of working out! I feel like I've witnessed brush strokes and myriad colours up close, and God is pulling me back and letting me have just a glimpse of the bigger picture. Ooh, now I'm getting all poetic. Where's my beloved John Donne when you need him?
Thursday, January 15, 2004
CD Review
The Producers

Oh my. Brilliant. So, so, funny. I can't praise it any higher than that. The Producers swept the Tony's as the stand out new Broadway musical in 2001. Do yourself a favour and check it out.
Monday, January 12, 2004
Lucky Number Eight
I knew it!!!! Michelle Kwan won her 8th U.S. National Ladies Figure Skating title over the weekend at the ripe old age of 23. (in addition to her 5 world championships and 2 Olympic medals). I have followed her career since 1995, when she had just barely hit her teens. I love how technology lets me download her performances and watch them over and over again. Am I gushing? I'm gushing! But who cares - congratulations Michelle! You're awesome and we love you!
Saturday, January 10, 2004
Was freaky hearing myself (and Tim and Diana) on the radio. I sounded so ocker! To think that 15 months ago, saltlight was nowhere in existence, and tonight, we got interviewed on the radio and 2 songs from This Way Up were played. How awesome does God work through even the humblest of beginnings and the weakest of people.
Friday, January 09, 2004
My whole Honey experience began when I walked into Greater Union at Burwood. My brother and his friend called me 15 minutes before the movie was due to start telling me they were going to make it just in time and to buy tickets for them. Nonchalantly making my way down the stairs, thinking I had plenty of time, I noticed a long, noisy queue for one of the cinemas. I should have realised that the uniformity of under-30, supposedly cool. hip and urban, perfect hair and accessories crowd (and that was just the guys! Hee!) meant only one thing. They were there to see Honey. (Alas, read "try hard" in Vron fashion language)
I bought tickets and joined the line, which already had over a 100 people in front of me and within minutes, another 100 behind me. To cut a long story short, my bro made it in the nick of time and we got pretty good seats in the end (mostly cos everyone else there was with a crowd of about 20).
Oh, the movie itself? Story? Been there, done that. Acting? Don't make me laugh. Well, actually, it was unintentionally funny in several places, which meant for good, rolllicking enjoyment. Cameos by famous hip-hop artists? Cool. Dancing? Awesome and inspiring!
It's the kind of movie I'd buy on DVD for sure, but wouldn't waste time watching it again on the big screen cos I couldn't skip to all the dancing bits that way. Still, worth a look, if just for the afro. You'll know what I mean. Adorable.
New Year, New Sounds
I'm really getting into Maroon 5 at the moment. Cool, urban pop sound with some nice textures and harmonies. Their first single was "Harder to breathe" and "Sweetest Goodbye" is on the Love Actually soundtrack. Will be in search of their album next time I'm out and about!
New Year's Resolutions
Who says they don't work? Last year, I resolved (successfully) to learn to ride a horse, plan a big family holiday and really challenge myself spiritually and musically by writing some Christian songs. Done, done and done!
The secret is stretch yourself but don't be ridiculous. Stick with a few things you know you can achieve! This year I plan to:
- get fit (again) - I was previously quite fit (some would even call me a gym junkie) but I've lapsed a little in 2003. I'm hoping to do a number of short - medium courses in various activities like kickboxing, a martial art and something unusual like adult ballet or tap dancing or fencing. Can't wait!
- Read through the entire Bible
- Practise the piano more (it's been years since I've played anywhere near a professional level so I'd like to pick up my classical technique again. I'm happy to say that my sight reading has greatly improved from playing contemporary stuff though)
- Ditto the above re singing
- Keep a prayer journal
Thursday, January 08, 2004
Sing us a song
Rediscovering Billy Joel. Legend. He's like the original Ben Folds (who I also love). On a hunt for a Billy Joel piano music anthology. Kudos to the ABC, who are excelling in their programming of late, what with the Billy Joel live master class yesterday night and the making of 'The Producers' cast recording on NYE.
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
Answered Prayer
Sometimes things work out in slow, weird and wonderful ways, but other times - BAM! Yesterday, I was doing my potential budget for this year and praying over how to shave a few dollars here and there to make it all stretch. Got a phone call from Vodafone today saying that they were changing my mobile plan rate while keeping the same features. A saving of $18 a month! That might not sound like much, but it's pushed me from an ugly deficit into a comforting break even. God is good.
Movie Count
In the last couple of weeks, I've done a movie/DVD blitz. Yeehar!
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The first of what I hope will be multiple repeat viewings. Hard pressed to pick a best moment. Loved it, loved it, loved it.
Master and Commander
I've never been more utterly bored by a big screen movie. Ever. Go watch reruns of Hornblower instead.
Love Actually
Seen this twice now. Thoroughly enjoyable both times! I have a fondness for quite a few of the actors involved and I generally love ensemble comedies, but Emma Thompson's serious and poignant performance completely stole the show for me. Riveting.
Cold Mountain
So glad they didn't change the ending from the Charles Frazier book. Quite good as a standalone movie, not bad as an adaptation! The plot was a bit choppy and they made the love story less subtle than it actually was, but I liked the pace and the cinematography. Renee Zellweger was a star performer. So funny. My only complaint was the amount of brutal violence. Squeezed my eyes shut for quite a few scenes.
Lizzy Maguire Movie [DVD]
I was expecting to like this immensely but it was a little cheesy for me and I've never warmed to Hillary Duff. I think I preferred What a Girl Wants.
Phone Booth [DVD]
Good! Can't say much without giving away the plot, but there's a guy forcibly trapped in a phone booth. Listen hard, don't miss the dialogue, that's a major part of the movie.
Also of note are re-screenings of Xena: Warrior Princess and Whose Line Is It Anyway? Both classic shows. I think that though I'm intensely moved by dramas, I enjoy a good laugh more.
My review is here
Get thee to a cinema!
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
New Year, New Purchases
Happened to pass by Carisma (CD store) this morning and happened to buy Powderfinger's Vulture Street and the Love Actually soundtrack on sale. Ahem. Yes. At last I can have something else boppy in the car other than Ben Folds. I really need to reassess my unhelpful CD collection. And my DVD collection.
11 year old Olivia Olson is talent with a capital T. If you've seen Love Actually, you'll know what I mean. Ugh. Child prodigy. Loving the Eva Cassidy and Joni Mitchell songs. Have you heard Eva's version of Fields of Gold? Brings a tear to the eye every time. Just had pasta. For. Breakfast. What a bizarre post this has turned out to be! Just the sort of useless trivial details about my own life that even bore me. I'll do better next time, I promise.
Monday, January 05, 2004
New Year, New Blues
Time just rolls on. This year feels no different to the last and I'm back at work after 2 weeks off, with a sinking feeling that it's all too familiar and monotonous.
Felt like a petulant teenager last night, staying in my room with the lights out after a minor tiff with the folks. I should feel blessed that in general, the whole family works hard to keep a healthy relationship going, but after spending day in, day out with them for 6 days on an action-packed holiday on the Gold Coast I returned home from the relaxation and fun to an argument leaving me feeling unappreciated, criticised and stubborn. I think it's time for a breather.
Wow, I used the word "feel" so much in those 2 paragraphs. Maybe that's my problem. Lack of mental stimulation has left me resorting to feelings. There's a reason why I usually follow my head and not my heart.
And voila - now all better and rational. Lovely.
recent posts
Take you driving in my car, car...
Weekend Shenanigans
As it is in heaven
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[Sam&Steph] [Mushiejc] [Dreamz] [Hongus] [Ratsie in Japan]
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