cyberspace junkyard
Friday, May 31, 2002
Why is that you might only get sick once a year, but when you do it just completely knocks you out and leaves you feeling like a wet dishrag that's had one too many spins in the washing machine?
Along with being sick, I'm also finishing off my current work project this week, (the thing I've been working on for the last 9 months) I just handed in the draft of my thesis, I'm frantically packing and moving house and getting blinds measured and quoted and defects lists drawn up and signing contracts and practising for my first gig with my acapella quartet in over a year and somehow, it's all happening in the next couple of weeks.
Life is grand. I sooo need to take off an spend a week in the sun in Hawaii.
Wednesday, May 22, 2002
I went to my first official night club on Saturday night. Before you wonder what I've done with my entire life to have not experience the smoke, crowds, deafness and sweat - I have been to dance parties and waited outside several nightclubs before deciding after about 30 minutes to go somewhere more comfortable and less difficult to get into.
In any case, we decided to try the relatively short line at Retro. It is an interesting concept - 3 floors with all different music, DJs and styles. The first (ground) floor is the "90s and New Stuff" - the sort of music you can hear on Today FM and Nova 969. We didn't venture much on to this floor but decided to be complete and utter dags and step onto the disco floor in the 70s and 80s. After being paralysed with laughter for about 5 minutes, I loosened up and started dancing and singing to classics like "I will survive" and "Celebrate good times". It was hilarious and heaps of fun. Especially seeing ourselves on the TV monitors around the room and boogeying on the podiums.
We did have a quick look at the NCR floor - hardly anyone there so we had heaps of room but the DJ didn't do very much except change tracks that kinda all sounded the same anyway.
I left with smoky clothes and feeling sweaty but invigorated. An experience I want to repeat sometime soon!
Monday, May 20, 2002
The D.D.G.G.
I've always wanted to try authentic Latin American dancing so when a friend offered me a free class with Latin Explosion, I jumped at the chance and pulled on my high heels (not that I'm ever without them) and my knee-length flouncy skirt.
The class was a little disorganised, but the dancing was very cool and rather different - they call it "Salsa on 2 from NY" - basically the emphasis is on the 2nd part of the beat, and the turns are a lot sharper. There are also plenty of "Shines" which are individual steps where you break away from your partner and do your own individual hip-wiggling, arm-posturing steps. It took about 15 minutes for me to warm up to it, but it's is easy enough for beginners to pick up within a couple of classes.
After learning the routine for the night, we danced with rotating partners for 40 minutes or so. The steps were great - but I've now discovered a previously enheralded group of Salsa dancers that I've dubbed the D.D.G.G.s or Dodgy Dancing Gay Guys. Mind you, they're very nice and most of them can dance. It just worried me a little when they shake their hips more than I do! =)
After the class, some of the more serious dancers (mostly male!) hung around so I found myself learning a ton of advanced moves with the aforementioned D.D.G.G.s.
Now dancing on the whole is fantastic fun - but I was reminded how great partner dancing is - it's actually really difficult if you're confident of your steps and know more than your partner to let him lead! Learning to be submissive and follow someone else's lead seems to be a recurring theme not only in relationships but in salsa dancing too!
Now on to master some tap dancing!
Changing Rooms
Well, more than just changing rooms actually - changing houses!
I'm moving in about 3 weeks to a brand spanking new place. We've discovered (just yesterday) that we can glimpse the water from our terrace and from my bedroom! Impressive!
There's just the tiny matter of a whole house we have to pack within 20 days.
Oh dear!
Monday, May 13, 2002
More Rinkworks
Here are some excerpts of "Book-A-Minute" from Rinkworks
For any who've read the Robert Jordan "Wheel of Time" fantasty series... this is so true! (He's up to Book 9)
Also - David Eddings was my favourite author in Junior High School, and I do love his writing but...
Winter's Heart
By Robert Jordan
Ultra-Condensed by Torbjörn Andersson
Perrin :::
I was going to rescue my wife, but that will have to wait for the next book.
Mat :::
I was going to escape with my friends, but that will have to wait for the next book.
Egwene :::
I was going to attack Tar Valon, but that will have to wait for the next book.
The Belgariad
By David Eddings
Ultra-Condensed by Samuel Stoddard and David J. Parker
Garion :::
I'm an heir to something. I must mature into a man and rule the world.
Friends :::
While we're sorting out each of our personal crises, we'll help you kill badguys.
(They DO, and gradually all the badguys DIE except for one who is turned into a SNAKE.)
The Mallorean
By David Eddings
Ultra-Condensed by Samuel Stoddard
See The Belgariad.
I always suspected that I was very easily amused and this proves it! By chance, while looking at fan sites for Raymond E Fiest and Janny Wurts' Kelewan series, I stumble across this link to Rinkworks
You have to read through Movie-A-Minute and Book-A-Minute where they condense the gist of movies and books into, well, a minutes. Although it's more like 10 seconds.
Not expecting it to be that funny, I read my first couple while taking a sip of water and almost choked.
Here's a couple of excerpts...
Notting Hill
Directed by Roger Michell
Ultra-Condensed by Samuel Stoddard
Hugh Grant :::
I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I'm in love with you.
Julia Roberts :::
I'll date you, no I won't, yes I will, no I won't.
I'm sorry, I have too many rich-and-glamorous issues.
Now I've gotten over them.
Sleepless In Seattle
Directed by Nora Ephron
Ultra-Condensed by Thomas Deeny
Meg Ryan :::
I shall find out all I can about Tom Hanks and stalk him.
Tom Hanks :::
Your plan worked. I love you.
Directed by James Cameron
Ultra-Condensed by Samuel Stoddard
Leonardo DiCaprio :::
Your social class is stuffy. Let's dance with the ship's rats and have fun.
Kate Winslet :::
You have captured my heart. Let's run around the ship and giggle.
(The ship SINKS)
Leonardo DiCaprio :::
Never let go.
Kate Winslet :::
I promise. (lets go)
Friday, May 10, 2002
Whadda week!
This has been an exhausting week - but rather invigorating in the manner of a Swede spending an hour in a sauna and then jumping out sans clothing into a snowdrift.
To cap it all off, I spent a total of 3 hours at the gym today (a 7am yoga class and then a 12pm combat class) that has me feeling like I'm the Energizer bunny.
Which is actually pretty lucky considering the weekend I have ahead!
Bible study, singing, thesis writing, Mother's Day, church, cooking dinner for the family on Sunday.
If you don't hear from me on Monday - it means I haven't survived the weekend!
Yah, okay - so they spelt colour the American way. I found this link from Chefgrrl's blog and it is quite interesting - how your colour preference, according to your moods at the time can form a profile of how you feel at any one time.
Is it accurate? That's for you to decide!
Suffice to say that I was very impressed...
Try Colorgenics
Thursday, May 09, 2002
Why is that you can look back on the devastating time when you broke up with your ex for reasons that were completely justified and rational and only think of him with fondness and affection?
I've been cleaning my room, in preparation for moving house in a few weeks. In one of my secret boxes (I have several) I found my collection of love letters, emails, cards, notes, photos, momentos, song lyrics and other useless items from my first serious relationship.
sidenote - what defines a serious relationship anyway? well, in our case, when we started planning when we'd get married, I kinda took the hint it was getting serious!
Declarations of undying love and eternal gratitude that we'd found each other that once had me swooning when I first read them had me... well... swooning again.
I might read or listen to someone else go on and on and on and on about their wonderful relationship and how blessed they are to be together yada yada yada and feel like reaching for a bucket, but for some reason, while still fighting that indubitable sense of ickiness in the pit of the stomach, I couldn't help grinning from ear to ear and wondering why we'd broken up. How often is it that you can find a guy who quotes love poetry and lyrics and has no qualms in greeting you as "the most loved, admired and cherished woman in the world" while constantly showering you with PDAs (yes - public displays of affection - *gasp*) and reassurances that he was in it for the long haul, with actions to back it up?
Okay - cover your eyes if you don't want to hear me say this, cos I'm not emotional as a rule and I really dislike inducing people to puke...
He made me feel special. He taught me how to be selfless and to put your partner before yourself. He showed me that if we both entered and continued in the relationship with our integrity intact and focussing on God as our strength and guide, then we're bonded together by much more than just fleeting emotion.
Okay okay - this was 1st and 2nd year uni. And yes, this was my first relationship that lasted past a date before I realised that the high school guy sitting opposite on the train, was, in fact, just a slightly more developed species of moron. Yes, I was completely swept off my feet. Yes, I should have thought twice before agreeing to let him spend 1-2 years in Canada for his internship even though we'd only been going out for 9 months. Yes, we probably should have gotten to know each other more slowly before committing so deeply.
At the end of the day though - I couldn't do it. I couldn't dive headfirst into the deep end, knowing that the chance of us staying together til he returned to Australia was getting slimmer by the month. I couldn't hold him to that, so I let him go. He doesn't know this - if he did, he would have tried to convince me that he could wait the 2 years, that in our 9 months together, he'd become so sure that we were meant to be together. He wouldn't have let me break up him and my resolve would have crumbled. And so I had to hurt him. I had to make it clear that it wasn't going to work and that I was going to go on with my life even if he couldn't. That was the only way that he could let go too.
Things do change though, and indeed, in our case, they have changed. What was a beautiful relationship, turned quickly into a strong and supportive friendship but unfortunately it soured. If only I'd listened to my own circle theory!
But my stomach grumbles and when I have to obey my cravings for food.
Perhaps I'll finish the story later.
Wednesday, May 08, 2002
Why is SPAM a word with such unpleasant connotations?
Whether it is the slab of luncheon meat that was oh so popular in the early 1980s or the email variety that floods most free mailboxes, it raises up images of disgust among school children and Net users alike.
What has SPAM ever done to deserve such an outcry from society? Well, they're both unwanted. They both go in the compost / recycle bin at first opportunity. They both have content that seems ordinary but at second glance. they contain stuff you really didn't want to know was in them. They both had people jumping on the bandwagon and start dishing it out.
Long live Double Smoked Honey Leg Ham.
PS - the one good thing to come out of the use of SPAM is my church's Share, Prayer And Missions night - bi-monthly gathering of working and tertiary aged adults where we find out more about various topics that relate ot our Christian lives and pray for our church and our missionaries overseas. I guess every SPAM has a silver lining.
Tuesday, May 07, 2002
Girly Sleepovers
Why is it we always get excited at the prospect of a girly sleepover? It's not that we don't know what to expect - much food, much talking and little sleep - but somehow it always manages to garner high-pitches squeals of delight and anticipation.
Well, a friend of mine recently moved out of home and so we christened her new apartment with her first sleepover. As expected, we dined on chicken soup and croutons (entree), shepherd's pie with garlic bread and fresh corn on the side (main) and Cafe Grande ice cream with hot fudge sauce (dessert). Our theme for the night was musicals, and so we watched Oklahoma (the new Hugh Jackman version), Singing in the Rain, Buffy (the musical episode) and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. In between, we managed to talk about music, books, food (of course) and all manner of other things before drifting off to sleep at about 4am. Breakfast was a scrumptious omelette, with corn, onion, chicken and cheese. We considered having hot fudge and sticky date pudding for lunch but the sheer calorie count weighed heavily against our consciences.
A completely enjoyable, relaxing and typical sleepover.
When's the next one?
Friday, May 03, 2002
Hi, my name is Vaniche, and I'm addicted to Body Combat. It's been 4 weeks since my last class.
Actually, it's true - I've really missed spending my Friday lunchtimes sweating, kicking, jabbing, hooking, switching, uppercutting, blocking, crunching and elbowing. I actually abstained from my usual Combat class in a fit of pique. My favourite instructor left the gym under "mysterious circumstances" and I haven't been able to bring myself to attend the Friday class under a different instructor. I've tried other classes but to no avail - it's just not the same.
For the first time in a month though, I summoned up the determination and courage to face my fears and see just what's changed on Fridays.
You know what? it's still the same. The person up the front may be different, but combat has insinuated itself back into my system.
Anytime you're up for a bit of airpunching - let me know. We'll form our own Combatants Anonymous.
Thursday, May 02, 2002
Found it! My template disappeared in the meantime though and just spent 20 minutes rebuilding my customisations.
Fun for the whole family
Marxism; Socialism; Communism; Capitalism... Jollyism?
Well, it's time to record for posterity some of the theories which have evolved out of the deep recesses of my brain at times when I probably should have been fast asleep but instead was in a semi-coherent state, trying to rationalise something.
I've always told my friends that one day, I'd write a book, but I guess I'll have to settle for writing a blog.
The Circle Theory
Well, I think that as humans, we have relationships with any number of people. Is every friendship that we have completely random, or can we define them into categories depending on how we relate to them. Well, I believe that we can roughly identify our friends via concentric circles.
The inner first circle consists only of your closest friends - though who know you emotionally and mentally. If you're married or attached, this should usually be your partner. You might also have what other people term "best friends" in your inner first circle. Mind you, not everyone has someone in their inner first circle - some people like to maintain a boundary of some sort between their friends and themselves, and would not trust someone so completely as to allow them into their inner circle. You would usually see these people regularly, and if not, then at least long to see them regularly. They are the first people you tell when something major happens. The first people you turn to for reassurance and advice.
Slightly outside your inner circle is your outer first circle. This consists of people that you would hang out with regularly - if you had a dinner party of 6, this would be it. They know you pretty well, and you really look forward to the times you get to talk and catch up with them. Your outer first circle usually know who other people in your first circle are - that's how close they are. They may or may not be in each other's first circles though. Think "The Secret Life of Us".
Next we have the 2nd circle. These are people you socialise with regularly or would hang out with after work, through uni, church, school or neighbourhood connections. They know some of the major events in your life and know you well enough to pick suitable birthday presents, at least. If someone was throwing you a surprise party - these friends would definitely make the cut. While you might not share much one on one time with them, other than an occasional chat at a larger gathering, you do count them as good friends.
Expanding a little bit more and we have the 3rd circle. I usually reserve this for friends who I haven't seen in a while but might receive a postcard or email from every now and then. Maybe it's someone you used to go to school with but don't see all that often. You might have mutual friends and so meet up by pure circumstance. While you might not make a special effort to keep in contact, on the most part, when the occasion arises, you'd be quite happy to see them.
4th circle friends are those who you would probably stop and have a 2 minute chat with on the street, before making some excuse to rush off. They're a little more than acquaintances, and you keep the friendship alive when you do happen to bump into each other, but wouldn't ever make the effort to call them or meet up with them.
Of course, you could continue forever, but I usually end with 5th circle friends - people you've met only a couple of times, or perhaps people you've met quite often, but never make a deep enough impression to remember their name! You'd nod or mouth "hello" if you saw them, but wouldn't really give them more than a moment's thought.
So there you have it! The circle theory. Now, of course, you will always get friends who don't sit in any of these circles - these rare exceptions belong in their own box. There are also a number of guidelines as to how people move in and out of circles. An example of this is if you've broken up with someone who used to be in your inner first circle. Try as you might to be 2nd circle friends straight away, you can't just brush past the fact that you need to spend some time as 3rd or 4th circle friends in order for the bonds there to dissipate somewhat. This is when you can usually make the slow progression to 2nd circle friends.
Well, I think that's quite enough rambling for one day. Perhaps I'll expound on the basket theory tomorrow... ?
I just spent 30 minutes typing up my first theory of Jollyism, only to have it create a page error.
I think I'll just log off in mock disgust and try again later.
You'll just have to wait for the Circle Theory of Friendship then.
Muesli Bars
I've rediscovered yoghurt top muesli bars. Uncle Topby's have these wonderful 16 pack boxes where you get a variety of fruit flavours including apricot, strawberry and raspberry.
The raspberry is just awesome. You have to try it.
Providing, of course, that you actually like muesli.
And dried fruit.
Oh, and yoghurt.
Wednesday, May 01, 2002
A pinch
and a punch for the first day of the month!
Money money money
"Money makes the world go around"
Someone coined this phrase once in mockery of the old adage "love makes the world go around". While we might idealise the state of humankind and wish for the day when we are motivated by love for each other and for the world we live in, the hard reality is that money has evolved into a basic necessity for survival.
I always try and work with the concept that I need money to live but I don't need to live for money. This morning, though, just how dependent on money we can become struck me full in the face.
I'm gearing up to co-signing on a mortgage for my first house, paying for my own home and contents insurance, monthly bills and have just been hit with a whopping bill to get the ABS brakes on my car replaced. I'm also gradually taking over the financial responsibility for other things such as school fees, car registrations and furnishing the new house. I feel like I've been thrust from the carefree world of being blessed with a full time job straight out of uni and being able to make wise and godly decisions about what to do with money, into a scary and weighty role where the lives of people around me that I love the most, my family, are affected by just how well I manage my budget 12-36 months into the future.
I'm no longer making decisions purely based on what I want. But ultimately, what I want is not the point and in the grand scheme of things doesn't matter. I know that if I put my trust in God, and look to Him for guidance in the decisions I make, then He will work things out according to His plan. Why crown myself Chief Financial Officer of my life when I have one who can forecast decades into the future with absolute precision and with complete love and grace, give me whatever I need to complete the work that He began in me?
God is good.
recent posts
Take you driving in my car, car...
Weekend Shenanigans
As it is in heaven
The Ice Woman cometh
Grand hotels
Sun, surf and sand
Wash, Cut and Blowdry
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[Sam&Steph] [Mushiejc] [Dreamz] [Hongus] [Ratsie in Japan]
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