cyberspace junkyard
Friday, November 22, 2002
Friday Five
Now, don't get excited. There wasn't one last week and there isn't one this week either.
I'm sitting in front of my computer bemoaning the lack of Friday Fives while twiddling my thumbs biding my time while my current work project wraps up and I move to my new one (1st December! yay!). Ugh. Anyone got a question I can answer?? hee hee
Oh, but 5 days to go til I finish my Honours! Zippety doodah!
And just to really confuse the whole subject of this blob entry, I got my first (and early *gasp*) birthday present last night! Mum decided to buy me a corner desk / workstation for my room cos she was sick of me strewing my stuff all over the dining room table when I work / study. I'm ignoring the fact that it is purely for aesthetic reasons and convincing myself it's cos she remembered and decided to surprise me with an early gift. Though if you've been to my house, you'll understand the whole "aesthetic" thing.
Ooh, and more - one of my best friends (the girl I was a bridesmaid for earlier in the year) had her first daughter! Wahoo! She's not at all splotchy and gross-looking and the baby's okay too. *cheeky grin*. Actually, it was quite a few days ago, but this is my weird, excited post, so you're hearing about it now. Actually, that makes 2 friends, another friend had a girl as well, the next day.
Oh, and weird dreams last night! I woke up at regular intervals between 6 and 7am and felt like I was in the movie "Groundhog Day"! I kept re-dreaming the same Saturday morning, over and over again, and each time was a little different, a little more bizarre and sometimes just a nightmare! I think Tom Cruise managed to appear in one, and most of the students from my singing studio were in another. Truly bizarre.
Eep! That's all from me! Sorry for the disjointed entry.
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