cyberspace junkyard
Friday, July 15, 2005
Michelle Kwan, here I come
Err... well, maybe not!
I just need to say that I can't believe it has taken me so long to take the plunge and learn how to glide around on a rock-hard, icy surface on nothing but a pair of thin metal blades.
I have been an official figure skater since Monday night, and I am loving it. Yes, I am scared silly everytime I step on the ice, but after an hour or so of just trying to stay upright, I improve just a teeny bit; just enough to keep me hooked.
My coach is very nice (considering that I am a complete adult beginner) and it wasn't til I googled him that I found out he was Australian Men's Champion twice and even went to Worlds. Golly. That knocked me out for a few. Still, I'm feeding my addiction rather frequently - I've been to 3 more practice sessions since Monday. Obsessive much? My wallet is soon going to hurt as much as the blister on my ankle.
I won't bore you with too many details except to say that I'm trying out a pair of pro figure skates (can't learn on rentals!) and being the perfectionist that I am, it suits me just fine to practice the same small movements and techniques over and over and over and over again. Well, at least til I fall over. Might end up posting up some progress reports once I've mastered something other than 2 foot glides, 1 foot glides and forward stroking.
No. times I wished I could run out of the rink in fear: 8 (at least twice a session)
No. times I've fallen on my butt: 3
No. times I've half fallen and stopped myself by crouching down: 7
No. times I've fallen incorrectly onto my knees: 2
No. times I've fallen properly by landing on my hip/side: 1 (when I learnt how to do it)
No. times I've felt elated at "nailing" a new technique: 3 (and counting!)
Stay tuned!
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